
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Strangely Unfamiliar

Last week, I spent 48 hours saying goodbye to my childhood home in Indiana. This week's blogs center around that...

The house looks the same, relatively speaking. What I mean is, my dad is a handy-man extraordinaire so every square inch of the house I grew up in has been completely remodeled at some point in the last 30 years. Seriously. There’s not one inch of the place that hasn’t had an improvement made to it, including the barn!!!

So, even though the interior of the house looks different, it still feels the same. I can still run up the stairs 2 by 2 and make it to the top just in time to make the right turn into my bedroom without running into the doorframe. The basement still has a unique, damp smell and the shower head is still too low.

Every piece of our 3 ½ acres of land holds a significant memory for me. Wiffle ball games in the back field, 6th grade swimming party around the pool, shooting baskets in the driveway. Snow sledding down the hill by the 3 apple trees.

Everything about the place is strangely unfamiliar and yet like an old friend all at the same time.

Great memories of a great childhood in a great house,


Monday, September 29, 2008

48 Hours to Say Goodbye to 30 Years

So I had one of those rare, once in a lifetime opportunities this week. I got to say goodbye to my childhood home. It was a bit surreal to be honest with you. After 30 years, my parents are selling their home in Indiana and moving permanently to Southwest Florida.

1st, let me say we are absolutely pumped that they are going to be Full-Time in our lives and the lives of my 2 boys. But getting from Indiana to Florida requires going through 30 years of memories, pictures and various items from the past.

So, last week, I flew up to Indiana for a couple of days to help them go through so much of our life and memories there. Forgive me for deviating from the standard “Leadership Stuff I’m Learning” track to take a trip down memory lane. This week’s blogs center around those 48 hours saying goodbye to 30 years.

Here’s to 30 years at 3908, (My old house’s street address)


Friday, September 26, 2008

4 Things I'm Learning about Leadership Right Now

4. In order to get to the Next Level, you have to be willing to STRETCH.

Ask my team and they will tell you that I've been overusing a term lately. It's: "We're in the Stretch..."

What that means is that we, as an organization, are being stretched to go to the next level. For the first 8 months of the year, we were in a Fortify Mode. Circle the Wagons, get strong, get healthy, protect ourselves, hunker down (nice use of the word hunker, huh?) and fortify the troops.

Now it would seem that God has allowed us to Enter the Stretch. Growth is happening and everywhere we turn, we are feeling the STRETCH. Internally, Physically, Spiritually, Numerically, Externally, etc.

the STRETCH is a good thing. It's not an easy thing, but it IS a good thing. Stretching leads to the Next Level. The key to the STRETCH is to not be broken. Flexibility reigns in the STRETCH. Oh yeah, and not letting go. If you let go of a rubber band while it's in the STRETCH, it will sting you. That's bad.

I'm learning that the STRETCH is the only way to get to the Next Level.

Ever been STRETCHed?

Have a great weekend,


Thursday, September 25, 2008

4 Things I'm Learning about Leadership Right Now

3. The Distance between NEEDING a Creative Spark & HAVING a Creative Spark can be a million miles sometimes.

If you're creative or are required to create a weekly message that must inspire, challenge, entertain, motivate, provoke and teach several hundred people each week like I am then you probably understand the statement above.

For communicators, there is nothing worse than the lack of a SPARK! However, once you have it, the rest flows downhill pretty quickly. All I need is a SPARK, once I have that, I'm set. But SPARKs don't live around every corner and they certainly don't work 9 to 5. They hide in weird places like on road trips, or in books. They tend to stay awake late at night and run for cover whenever the phone rings or the e-mail is open.

SPARKs tend to live in the quiet places, which in our world, are hard to come by.

Yeah, I'm learning that the Distance between NEEDING a Creative Spark & HAVING a Creative Spark can be a million miles sometimes. But it's the search for the SPARK that is most of the fun.

I hope that made sense,


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

4 Things I'm Learning about Leadership Right Now

2. Advancing takes Twice the Energy of Staying the Same.

There are just some things that we have to do as leaders simply to maintain. Put another way, there are some baseline responsibilities we have manage in order to "stay in business" from week to week. It's like putting gas in your car. If you don't do it, you don't go anywhere. No matter how nice of a car you have.

When it comes to advancing our organizations, truly great leaders understand that progress requires twice the energy that maintanance does. Progress doesn't just happen. It takes strategy, tenacity and determination to push past the daily grind and actually move forward.

That's easier said than done. I'm learning that right now.

Just a bloggish thought,


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

4 Things I'm Learning about Leadership Right Now

1. It's a Marathon not a Sprint.

Every race has ups and downs, highs and lows, ebbs and flows. Leadership is no different. Leadership is certainly not for the faint of heart.

If you want your life to matter and you want to impact other people's lives, then there is a serious commitment level involved. and sad to say, only a few survive the rigors of the Leadership Race.

Running a good race has everything to do with pace, rhythm and encouragement. Running the leadership race is exactly the same.

I'm learning that right now,



Monday, September 22, 2008

The Official "LEAK" of My 1st Book!

Hey everyone,

I'm totally not supposed to be doing this, but I can't hold it in any longer! We are officially 1 week away from our deadline to have the entire book submitted to our publisher. That means that we are definitely on target for a January 2009 Launch of my 1st Book!

I can't tell you anything... except that the Title is: The Up the Middle Church &...

(and this is a big and...)

There may be a chance that we have a few "Limited Edition Pre-Release Copies" available to us prior to 01/01/09.

I'll keep you in the loop & let you know if you can get your hands on a copy...


Friday, September 19, 2008

S.O.A.P. - Why Everyone Else is Having All the Fun!!!

5. Start Again.

There is a famous saying that says, “If you fall off the horse, get up, brush yourself off, and get on and ride again.” (Okay, I don’t know if it goes exactly like that, but that’s how I remember my dad saying it to me when I was growing up.)

Anyway, when it comes to spending time in God’s Word everyday or S.O.A.P. ing as we like to call it around NLC, the best time to start or start again is Right Now! Download a reading guide, listen to GPS – Part 5 and get going. (Click Here)

Jesus wants to meet with you today. Spending time in the Bible is how.

Commit to all 3 days this weekend, it will be worth it,


Thursday, September 18, 2008

S.O.A.P. - The One, The Only, The Original, The Best, The Undefeated One

4. Embrace where you are.

One of the overwhelming things that can happen when you set out to read daily through the Bible like so many of us are, is that if or when you get behind you can feel overwhelmed by it all and become tempted to give up.

Don’t do it. Instead, embrace where you are. Pick up the reading guide and find today’s reading and start there. Don’t worry about everything else. God’s Word is alive and He is faithful to speak to us, each and everyday.

Read a portion of the Bible.
Write down 1 verse.
Write your Observation.
State how it applies to your life.
Write out a simple prayer of dedication.

It’s that simple. Any of us can embrace that reality!

For more information on S.O.A.P. click here.
Just a bloggish thought,


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

S.O.A.P - The Other White Meat...

3. Resist Condemnation.

Spending time with Jesus everyday is a priority for every believer. God wants us to be self-feeders. Not to be dependant on someone else to tell us how God wants us to live. He has given us His Word, The Bible, so we can daily center our lives around it and learn from the mentors contained within its pages.

If you have struggled to spend time in God’s Word recently, resist condemnation. Satan knows that if he can get us feeling condemned then we won’t live victoriously and when we don’t live victoriously, we end up in the wrong place. Just ask David with Bathsheba. (See 2 Samuel 11)

? Have you been feeling condemned recently? Pray right now for God to give you the power to breakthrough it… then go S.O.A.P.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

S.O.A.P is it!!!

2. Refuse to Feel Guilty.

This week we’re revisiting the S.O.A.P. concept for reading and studying God’s Word everyday. The 2nd encouragement I want to give you is to refuse to feel guilty. If you miss a day, the common thing to do is beat yourself up about it.

We can’t let ourselves go there. Why? Because there is too much at stake. The minute you push off the guilt, there is a powerful moment with God waiting on the other side.

? When will you carve in the time before you go to sleep tonight to S.O.A.P. and spend time with God?

To listen to the GPS – Part 5 message that unpacks S.O.A.P. click here

Monday, September 15, 2008

Are you still S.O.A.P. in'???

Hey everyone,

I wanted to connect with you for a moment and do a bit of a “check up…”

How are you doing at the S.O.A.P. method for daily spending time in the Bible? Maybe you’re going strong, if so, keep it up! If you’re like me and you’ve struggled to keep it consistent with all the distractions that life can bring, then this series of blogs is for you.

1. Don’t get Discouraged.

The enemy of our souls would love to get us discouraged in struggling to study God’s Word. Don’t let yourself go there. The Bible says that the Spirit of God living in us is greater than the enemy who is in the world trying to discourage us.

Remember, 1 day of S.O.A.P. with God this week is better than No Days with God this week. 1 Day / Week = 50 days this year, & 2 days with God this week = Over 100 personal encounters with Jesus!

Stay encouraged. It’s never easy to focus on God’s Word, but it’s always worth it.

Just a bloggish thought,


To download the NLC S.O.A.P. Reading Guide click here.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 10

Generosity Principle #10:  Generosity is contagious.


I have saved the best one for last!  There is a contagious element to generosity.  In other words, when we live generously, we make it hard for others NOT to live generously as well!  Our generosity motivates others in 2 ways:


1.  When someone receives generosity, they want to be generous as well.


2.  When someone sees generosity in action, they are motivated to be generous.


So as we close the door on a “generous” portion of blogs on generosity (I couldn’t resist!!! Come on it’s day 10) Here’s my final challenge to us as leaders seeking to live generous lives…


? How will your life be more generous in 60 days? 


? What conversations do you need to have to keep bring accountability to your generosity?


? In what 3 specific ways will you begin to live a more generous life?


Examples:  tithing, volunteering, giving what you don’t need anymore, teaching your experiences to younger leaders, etc.


The list is endless of ways we can live generous lives.  Everyone wants to follow a generous leader, let’s be that for the people we lead!   Have a great weekend.


Just a bloggish thought,







Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 9

Generosity Principle #9:  Generosity is a response.


One of the greatest things I’m learning right now is this principle.  When we recognize all that we’ve been in given in Christ, generosity is the only logical result.  Think of it, we’ve been given forgiveness of our sin, more blessings than we can imagine, and the opportunity to lead and influence others in a positive way.


In light of all that, the only natural response is generosity. 


? Are you regularly reflecting on all that you’ve been given in  your life? 

? If not, why? 

? If so, how are you letting it motivate you toward greater generosity in your life?


Just a bloggish thought,



Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 8

Generosity Principle #8:  Generosity is a plan.


Generous people don’t just get that way by chance.  They plan for it.  I love what Isaiah says in Isaiah 32:8  “Generous people plan to do what is generous!”  How simple is that? 


So here’s the question to consider today?


? Am I planning for generosity or is it more haphazard?


Get a plan for being more generous this week.


Just a bloggish thought,



Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 7

Generosity Principle #7: Generosity is a sacrifice.

This one may seem obvious, but I think it must be stated. Generosity is a sacrifice… even for wealthy people. No matter how much money someone may have, anytime they are generous with it, there is a sacrifice involved.

The good news: God always honors generous sacrifice. Sacrifice is included in the deal of generosity, but it’s well worth it.

Just a bloggish thought,


Monday, September 8, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 6

Last week, we talked about 5 principles of generosity that God has been working on, in me.  This week, I want to talk about 5 more.  I trust these principles are challenging us as leaders to check the “generosity level” of our hearts.


Generosity Principle #6:  Generosity is a choice.


At the end of the day, the reality is, Generosity is a choice.  We can rationalize it any number of ways, but if we’re being honest with ourselves we have to admit that:


We do what we want to do with what we have.


Generous people choose to be generous.  They build it into their lifestyle.  They figure out how to give.  They make it a priority.  Consequently, they are generous people.


?  Are we choosing to live generously?


Just a bloggish thought,



Friday, September 5, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 5



Generosity Principle #5:  Generosity is heart dependent.


Generosity (or a lack thereof) is directly linked to our heart.  In other words, one of the easiest ways to gauge the condition of our heart is to simply measure our level of generosity. 


? In the last 30 days, have we been more open-handed or closed-fisted?


? Have we been more focused on what we can get or on what we can give?


Simple questions, big revelation!  Have a great weekend.


Just a bloggish thought,



Thursday, September 4, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 4

Generosity Principle #4:  Generosity is not Amount dependent.


This week we’re talking about living generously as leaders.  The greatest joy in life is found not when we receive, but when we give.  Here’s another generosity principle…


We often think that because we don’t have “a lot” of money, we can’t be generous.  That’s a myth.  The truth is living generously, even when money is scarce or things are tight only proves to God that we’re worthy of His trust with greater resources in the future should He so choose.


We can’t ever underestimate the impact even a seemingly “small” gift of generosity can make.


? Where can you give something “small” this week that can make a big difference?


Just a bloggish thought,



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity: Part 3


Generosity Principle #3:  Generosity is not circumstance dependent.


When it comes to generosity, the common thinking is, “When I have extra, I’ll be generous.”  However, truly generous people don’t wait for all of the circumstances of life to fall in line before they give.  They build their lives in such a way that they can be generous when an opportunity arises.


Strategic Generosity beats Circumstantial Generosity everyday of the week.


? Does your generosity tend to be circumstance dependent? 



Just a bloggish thought,



Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity Part 2

Generosity Principle #2:  Generosity is a Way of Life, not an event.


It’s easy to think of generosity as a singular event or decision, but the reality is, the most generous people on the planet understand that generosity is a way of life, not a singular act.


As leaders, we have a responsibility to live generously.  After all, people are watching us.  People are following our lead.  And people are modeling their behavior after ours.


? Do you think of generosity as an event or a lifestyle?


? On a scale of 1 to 10, how generous would you consider   yourself?


? How can you elevate your “generosity level” by 2 to 3 points in the next 60 days?


Just a bloggish thought,




Monday, September 1, 2008

What I’m Learning about Generosity Part 1

What I’m Learning about Generosity


I don’t know if you’ve ever had the experience where you know that God is growing an area of your life.  The kind where enough individual, unrelated circumstances all converge at once, and when you pause to reflect on it, you realize that there is a similar theme at work in all of them.


Well that’s happening for me right now.  I’ve always considered myself a generous person, but apparently God is teaching me a ton more.  That’s what the next series of blogs are all about. 


So no matter where your current generosity level is, I hope these blogs will stretch you even further.


Here’s #1:  Generosity can change a life.


We never know when a singular generous act on our part will change the life of another.  Our generosity communicates hope and belief in others that can give them the strength to move forward.


This recently happened to me.  A friend’s generous act on my behalf has positioned me to walk through a door we’ve been believing for God to open.


? What act of generosity can you do this week that could change a life?  Pray about it, you might be surprised at the opportunities that present themselves.


Just a bloggish thought,

