"Wow, another year gone!"
"Where did the time go?" and
"Did I make the most of it?"
For the final article of the year here on MattKellerOnline.com, I want to challenge everyone of us to do 3 things during this last week of the year and make 1 recommendation to finish our year strong and begin 2013 well.
3 things Every Leader Needs to do at Year's End:
1. Take time to Celebrate.
If there's one thing we don't do enough of in our fast paced leadership lives, it's celebrate. Take time this week to celebrate how far you've come, the ground you've taken and the impact you've made. Even if this year wasn't the greatest year in your history, celebrate that you ain't dead yet!!!
Somebody bring in some cupcakes, buy some balloons, high five each other, you've worked hard. You deserve to pat each other on the back and celebrate for a few minutes.
2. Create Clarity.
During times of change, people are more open new ideas than usual. Capitalize on this season of the new year to create clarity in your organization in 2 ways:
First, in Departmental and Personal Goals. Your team will always appreciate clarity. When they know what's expected, they rise to those expectations. Help your team set goals for the new year.
Second, in the culture of your team. If we want our teams to be healthy, we have to tell them and show them what we mean. In other words, we have to define what health looks like to us. Take some time in the new year to tell your team what health, communication, trust etc. look like on your team. Everyone will benefit from the few minutes it takes to gain clarity in your team culture.
3. Remember, what got you here, won't get you there.
If last year was the best ever, don't rest on that. And if it was horrible, don't rest on that either. As the leader, you get the privilege of leading your team boldly into the new year. Go confidently. You are the right person to lead your company, team or department where it needs to go. Lead well in the new year. We will all be better for it.
Finally, I want to leave you with one final recommendation of a book written by a friend of mine, Rob Ketterling. (@RobKetterling) I believe it's a great book for every leader who desires to do more, be more and reach their full potential in the new year.
It's called, "Change Before You Have To." And it's available in bookstores and online everywhere.
I hope you'll read it this January. It won't disappoint.

Order it Here.
Here's my official endorsement for the book...
"In Change before You Have To, Rob takes a 'slap you in the face with truth, then hand you a cup of hot cocoa' approach that is both refreshing and challenging like crazy! This book will cause readers to do what's right and best for their lives now instead of later. This book will change families, career paths, and destinies! Rob is a friend, a mentor, and most of all, Rob lives what he teaches."
Matt Keller - Lead Pastor, Next Level Church, Fort Myers, FL
Happy New Year everyone,