
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Hey Daddy, we have a Surprise for you!"

... were the words I heard when I walked in the door tonight. But I had to play the "Hot and Cold," game to find it. It was so cute watching my 2 boys in their "I don't do Mistletoe" pajamas leading me around our house all the while saying, "You're gettin' warmer..." or "You're gettin' colder..."

After a few minutes of downstairs rabbit trail chasing, they finally led me upstairs and into the laundry room. I opened the washer (to which Drew looked in and acted surprised to find a load of laundry). Then as I started to open the dryer door, both boys broke out in spontaneous shouting: "You're burnin' up!!!" (which I found ironic, since I was at the dryer...)

As I opened the door, I seriously had no idea what I was about to find... That's when I reached in to discover a brand new GPS! Perfect for my new found hobby... Geocaching!

I was so blown away. Apparently they had been planning all week to surprise me, and man they sure pulled it off.

I'm most excited to make some great memories with the boys in the days ahead. They'll love treasure hunting and I'll love being with them.

Thanks guys for my GPS. May the Geocaching begin!

Just a GPS bloggish thought,



metamoses said...

Ah, the "hot and cold" game... the nostalgic gps system of yesteryear- nice touch, W&D! Does your new device ping you when you're getting warmer?

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