Ever since discovering this guilt-free, way of reading and applying the Bible daily, I have to admit my personal time with God has been revolutionized. If you missed the message be sure to go to www.NextLevelChurch.com/video on Wednesday to watch or listen to the podcast. I am firmly convinced that if you and I will make spending time with God a priority this year, the health of our spiritual lives will go through the roof.
Remember, this is a no-condemnation, gulit-free way of spending time with God.
Here's what you need:
1. Bible. Be sure to get a translation you can understand. Remember, there are no bonus points for "Thee's" and "Thou's."
2. Journal. This is your Spiritual DVR. It helps you capture and record all of the good stuff God wants to speak into your life.
3. Pen. Obviously, so you can write stuff down.
4. Reading Guide. You can download the newest reading guide for Spring 2010 here 2010 Reading Guide or pick one up on Sunday.
5. Scratch Pad. This is to write down all those little annoying things that creep in while you're trying to focus on hearing God speak to you.
Here's what you do:
1. Read a chapter of the Bible.
2. Underline what sticks out to you.
3. Pick one verse and then S-O-A-P.
S: Scripture. Write out the 1 verse you chose, long hand in your journal.
O: Observation. Simply write what you observed in the verse that made you want to write it down. Remember, you don't have to be a theologian, just write what you saw.
A: Application. Write down how this verse applies to your life? Nothing fancy, just apply it.
P: Prayer. This is where you turn your Observation and Application into a Dedication. Once again, don't try and be over-spiritual, just simply write a prayer to God of how your life will be different today because of what He's spoken to your heart through this verse.
That's it! SOAP. It's as simple or deep as you want it to be. The goal of our Spiritual Life from God's perspective is that you and I learn to be Self-Feeders and SOAP is an amazing way to do that.
I strongly recommend you read The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro. That book truly did change my life and I'm confident it will do the same for yours as well.
2010 is a year devoted to a Healthy Life. Relationally, Financially, Physically and Spiritually.
Thanks for SOAPing in 2010,
Pastor Matt
I find it awesome that we all do this together as a church. It's a bit like exercise, each body part is worked differently and sometimes harder than the others yet it strengthens the entire body.
Finally I know what SOAP means. Wow that makes sense and it is easy. Thanks
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