
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Excuse me sir, Would you like to be my Mentor?

I am a huge advocate of having mentors. I have been blessed to have some incredible mentors through the years. I know I wouldn't be who I am and where I am today without the mentors who have poured into me over the years.

Here are a few thoughts on the whole Mentor Concept:

1. Mentor somebody.

I am a firm believer that we all have something to offer somebody else. Get over any feelings of inadequacy you might have, because somebody needs what you have learned.

2. Find a Mentor for every area of your life.

For me, if there's an area of my life that I want to grow in, I enlist a mentor. Here's how:
1) Pray for God to bring that person across your path.
2) Start looking for them.
3) Start collecting questions.
4) When you find them, go boldly & humbly in their direction.

3. Don't neglect "Virtual" Mentors.

Over the years, I have been mentored by some amazing leaders that I've never met simply by reading their books or listening to their talks. Today, with the free content of the internet, it's easier than ever. I literally downloaded over 12 hours of talks by Seth Godin in 1 night that I've been listening to & learning from for the last few months.

4. Become an expert Question-Asker.

The way to mine out the wisdom of a mentor is by learning the art of asking good questions. Good questions can unlock the depths of experience like nothing else can. Here's a little tip when preparing questions in advance for a meeting with a mentor... Make a list of a ridiculous number of questions. For example, come up with 87 questions for a 60 minute meeting. If you do, you'll discover the best 8 or 10 questions that will allow you to learn the most during your time.

The right mentor at the right time in your life can literally be life-changing. Finding one and being one is essential to your success.


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