
Monday, May 7, 2012

GUEST POST: My Friend, @ShawnLovejoy's new book is a MUST READ for Pastors & Leaders everywhere.

I am excited to have my good friend, @ShawnLovejoy as a Guest on my blog this week. His book, The Measure of our Success, was released just over a week ago & I'm am So excited to help him get the word out.

To order the book go to: The Measure of our Success

Continue reading to get to know Shawn a little bit better...

How Does It Feel to be a National Author? By Shawn Lovejoy
Tons of people have walked up and asked me this exact question. Honestly, I was really surprised by this question, when it first came up, because until I began to be asked, I've never really even stopped to think about it. The simple truth is that I felt compelled to write a book for Pastors, and now I have done what he asked me to do. I feel successful because I did what God asked me to do! Will the book itself be "successful"? If you mean, do I hope it sells? Ye. I believe in the content of this book. I believe God can use it greatly in the lives of pastors and ministry leaders. If it saves one life, ministry, or marriage, it will have all been worth it. I really do mean that.
However, ultimately, I believe the book is already successful, because I obeyed God in writing it! I already know that I will always be able to look around and see another book selling more and more quickly than mine. How many copies my book sells or doesn't sell will not be the measure of my success. I truly believe I have been faithful to God in writing this work. My faithfulness to Him is the measure of my success. I mean it!
Therefore, I can honestly say that I don't feel any more "Successful" today than I did yesterday. Today is simply another day in which I have the opportunity to be faithful to God with my life.
When I go home at the end of the day, I doubt very seriously that Tricia, my wife, nor our three kids, will be standing in line with books for me to autograph. To them, I will always just be Shawn, the husband and father. They will, however, line up to be hugged; and to tell me everything about their day; and I will listen. We will do life. We will eat dinner and then head out to Paul's baseball game. This will be just another day with my God and my family. And maybe... just maybe, that is what success is all about.

Shawn Lovejoy is the Founding and Lead Pastor of Mountain Lake Church, the Directional Leader of and the author of 'The Measure of Our Success - An Impassioned Plea to Pastors" releasing in April 2012.  God has used Mountain Lake Church and to become one of the most influential church planting ministries in the world, and Shawn gives Jesus all the credit. Shawn loves his wife, his kids, the church, pastors, college football, and PlayStation3. In that order. He lives near Atlanta, Georgia.

To order the book go to: The Measure of our Success 


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