
Monday, August 27, 2012

Our Heart for Strengthening Small Business

           "We believe the way to have a healthy, thriving city is to having healthy, thriving businesses. If our businesses don’t succeed, then we can’t succeed as a city. When businesses succeed, jobs are created, people are employed, families are provided for, people find fulfillment in their daily lives, kids are raised in better homes, memories are created, people give to charity, the hurting are helped, and the hopeless are raised." 

             - An excerpt from the Opening of our Advance One Day Event, Friday, Sept. 28th, 2012

In recent days, our hearts have been stirred and our eyes opened to a segment of our city we believe God has called us to strengthen and empower...

Small Businesses and Business Leaders

As stated above, we believe the way to build a strong city is to build strong businesses within that city. Additionally, we believe the starting point for anything great is to empower and grow Strong Leaders.

That is what our 1st Ever, Advance OneDay Event is all about! We are excited to host 400 Business Leaders from across Southwest Florida for a day of training, engagement and strengthening of the backbone to our cities... Business.

The day will center around 2 primary strategies:

1.  Strengthening the "Smart Side" of your Business
2.  Strengthening the "Health Side" of your Business

We believe it takes both sides being strong to grow a strong business in our world today. 

Topics will include:

"How Organizations Grow..." 
           ...Dispelling the Myths of Growth and Identifying the 6 Keys to Making the Jump to the Next Level.

"Building Healthy Teams"  
           ...Uncovering what it truly takes to create a culture where everyone brings their best everyday for the good of the company.

"The Changing World of Marketing"
          ...Learning the new rules to capturing the attention of your customers.

"Being #1 and #2 :: Balancing the Tension of Working Together" 
          ...An in depth interview on what it takes for a leader & the #2 to work together long-term.

"Personal Advice for Long-Term Success" 
          ...Insuring our own personal success in the midst of building a great enterprise.

For more information and to register, go to:


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