
Monday, October 22, 2012

"Because you say so..."

In Luke 5, Jesus climbs into Simon Peter's boat and challenges Peter's entire thinking on what he thought he knew. Peter, after all, was a professional fisherman. If anyone ought to know when, how and where to fish, it was him.

However, after hearing Jesus teach a seashore crowded with people, from the bow of his boat, he was willing to reconsider.

In verse 5, Peter makes a statement that changed the trajectory of his entire life from that day on.

"Because you say so..." (Luke 5:5)  

Peter was willing to obey Jesus, not because he understood all his theology. Not because he knew how the journey would end. Not because he had reasoned it all out in his mind.

Peter obeyed Jesus because it was His word.

Peter trusted Jesus at His word.

? Do we?

Who knows, it just might change the trajectory of your life.

Don't you owe it to yourself to obey him and see what happens...

(To hear how the story ends, watch here...)

Rush - Part 1


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