
Monday, March 14, 2011

Hey Next Level Church, Here are 3 Things I'm Excited about Right Now

I wanted to take a moment and share w/ all of you in the Next Level world 3 things that I'm super excited about right now.

1. I'm excited about our 1st Permanent Facility.

     Plain and simple, I'm just telling ya, it's gonna be sweet. The design is first class, the spaces are extremely functional and there's nothing like it anywhere. It's totally Next Level. It's gonna feel like us in every way. And... (and don't tell anyone) but I think we're going to be giving some Sneak Peak Tours to many of our Connection Groups in the next few weeks. I hope you're in one!!!

2. I am excited about the huge ability we've been given to reach those in our relational sphere of influence. 

     The new facility is going to give us a unique, once of a kind opportunity to invite those who we've been investing in relationally to come and experience God like they never have before. Our Grand Opening Weekend is scheduled for April 9th and 10th! You've got to start inviting everyone you know who needs hope, or purpose, or meaning in their life. We're gonna present Jesus in a big way that weekend, and that gets me excited!!!

3. I'm excited about the ability we're going to have to reach unchurched, dechurched and lost people in a new way.

     Like it or not, having a permanent facility for our weekend environments is going to matter to a lot of people in our community. They're going to come to see what this whole "Next Level Church" thing is all about. And that means that we get 1 chance to show them a different perspective of God then perhaps they've ever had before.

At the end of the day, our new facility is just a tool. It's never been about bricks and mortar, it's always been about creating environments where lost people can be found, hurting people can be healed and found people can grow.

So let me just say thanks to everyone of you who are sacrificing and giving and praying and believing for the harvest in the coming days. I have a feeling Jesus is going go blow our minds in the next few weeks. I firmly believe that there has never been a better time to invite someone to experience God with you at Next Level Church.

Just think one simple invitation could be the difference maker in their eternity. Awesome isn't it?

I don't know about you, but that gets me excited.

Pastor Matt


Karrie said...

Surely, as a church we are on the mountain top and the view to the horizon is God's Glory!

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