
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gratitude & Thankfulness from our Communities Downtown (A Update)

From time to time I will have someone ask me if the residents of our 2 Communities downtown (Palmetto Courts & Sabal Palms) ever say thank you for what we're doing there. And the answer is a resounding "YES!"

On Saturday, dozens of Orange Shirted NextLevelites invaded our communities with the Love of Jesus to host an Easter Egg Hunt and Pictures with the Easter Bunny Event for the families and children of our community. And I probably had a dozen different conversations with moms, dads, and even kids who told me "Thank you for doing this!" (Check out the NLC Facebook Page for pics, etc.)

One grandmother told me, "Other than when you guys come down here and do things like this, the kids in these neighborhoods have nothing to do, so they end up getting into trouble. You have no idea how much it means for us to have you here."

That one brought tears to my eyes! Because we just don't know how much of an impact we're making in the hearts and minds of these children and families. I responded by telling her that we feel like these 2 communities are part of our church family.

So, Next Level Church, on behalf of the hundreds of kids and families we're showing light to in an otherwise very dark place, thank you. Thanks for serving the hurting, broken, and forgotten of our city. May they feel forgotten no more!

Plain and Simple, that's the goal!

I love serving with you, Next Level Church, we're making a difference.

Pastor Matt


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