
Monday, May 2, 2011

6 Reasons I'm Excited about Prayer & Fasting Today!

On the 1st Monday of every month, we, at Next Level Church, dedicate the entire day to prayer & fasting. It's our way of recalibrating our hearts with the Lord and giving God the first work day of the month. (More Info Here)

I'm especially excited to pray today for a number of reasons. I hope you'll dedicate all or some portion of today to spending some time with God as we begin the month of May together.

6 Reasons Why I'm Excited to pray today:

1.  Prayer changes things. I really believe that what the Bible says is true. In I Chrionicles 7:14 it says that, "If my people will humble themselves and pray... I will hear from Heaven and heal their land." Let's believe for God to heal our land today.

2.  Prayer recallibrates my heart. Over the course of a month, my heart can drift off of what is most important to the heart of God. I'm excited to hit the reset button today by fasting and praying.

3.  Fasting causes me to turn my hunger for earthly food on God. When I skip a meal or two, I get hungry. And when I do, it becomes a tangible reminder for me to focus my heart, attention and affection on God.

4.  I love seeing a new month as a clean slate. Prayer and Fasting day is a reminder that the Bible says that, "God's mercies are new every morning." God is truly faithful and I'm reminded of that when we pray.

5.  I love knowing I'm not alone. It's so energizing for me to think of dozens and even hundreds of Next Levelites who are all praying across Southwest Florida in a unified way. I love that! There's strength in numbers, especially when we pray.

6.  Praying makes me want to be more like Jesus. When I set my heart on things above rather than things of earth, I have this overwhelming desire to be like Jesus all over again. Prayer and Fasting Day propel me to be like Jesus.

So whether you've fasted in the past, or have never fasted and prayed before in your life. I want to strongly encourage you to take some time, set it aside and focus on God today.

I promise you, you won't regret it.

Thanks for praying with us today,

Pastor Matt


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