
Friday, October 7, 2011

My wife is Launching a Virtual Coaching Community for Pastors Wives who lead

As my wife Sarah is stepping into a new season of influence in her life and ministry, she's hosting her 1st ever Coaching Community for Pastors wives.

I am so excited for a lot of reasons:

1. She has something to say.

Sarah has a calling to speak into the lives of pastors wives who are called to lead beside their husbands. Her pragmatic philosophy toward all things ministry and family has been a life-changer for our home, church and marriage.

2. This type of group learning in the context of relationship is desperately needed in the Body of Christ today.

There is a void in the church world today for "Small Groups for Pastors." Every pastor is quick to talk to our church people about the importance of small group relationships in their lives and yet finding a small group for pastors is very difficult. Thankfully the Next Level Virtual Video Technology gives us the ability to be face to face even though we are hundreds of miles apart. Perfect for Pastors wives.

3. Pastors wives are some
of the most overlooked people on the planet.

If ever there is a tribe of people Who need this type of thing, it's pastors wives. They truly are a precious gem to any pastor!!!

So if you're a pastors wife who leads or want to recommend one, there is limited space and I know it will sell out quickly, so be sure to register now! The group is slated to begin at the end of October.

Register here:


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