
Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Quick Marketing Thoughts for all Catalyst '11 Hallway Vendors #cat11

So the vendor booths at Catalyst are the ultimate definition of Interruption Marketing. There are a million of them; there are a billion people walking by; and the best they can do is offer you one of three things: 1) A flyer you didn't ask for, 2) fun-sized candy, which is fine except every booth has that, or 3) some sort of mini creative swag (like a foam squish ball that you'll take home to your kids or an ink pen).

The one Stand-Out Vendor for me all day was ProPresenter5! They had a microphone and speaker system set up and were giving worship leaders and production guys tours of their latest version of their software to everyone walking by. Brilliant!!!

What was the key?!? THEY ADDED VALUE! This is the key to all marketing today! ADD VALUE, ADD VALUE, ADD VALUE!!! Otherwise you're just shouting mindlessly to the wind while 13,000 would-be customers walk by and pay you no attention.

The harvest is waiting to be reaped for the company, vendor or ministry that will do the exceptional thing: Add Value!

(My tribute to Seth Godin)


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