
Monday, April 13, 2009

Statistics & Reflections from Easter

Time: Monday Morning - 11:05 AM

Coffee Consumed: Nun-ya-biznez (too much)

Flashbacks to Yesterday: Over a Billion

Hours of Sleep: 8 I think...

Baseball Highlights Watched: 15

Pieces of Toast Consumed: 2

Souls Reconnected to Jesus on Easter at NLC: 14

# in Attendance in 2 Services: 1,198

# of people who made it happen: Over 100!

NLC Rockstars: Travis Joliff & Jen Jackson who kicked it up serious in worship!

Everyone who served in our Kids Environments - seriously crazy awesome! Especially people like Leanne Ash who served both services just because we needed her too.

The new Security team, making everybody feel great back in the Kids Zone

The entire Coffee Bar team who had so many cups of coffee and so many dozens more donuts than usual.

Over 100 Neighborhoods who participating in block parties to help hungry people the week before and raised 20,000 cans of food in 1 day!!!

My wife and mother-in-law who made me look great in my new jeans and jacket outfit!

My mom for having cake and ice cream on Easter!

My dad for taking our family out on the boat so we could chill.

The Rays and Cubs for Winning on Easter!

Jesus, for changing lives for eternity! Nothing compares to that. It's like the Hokie-Pokie - That's what it's all about...

7 years ago on Easter, we had 6 people in my living room. I played guitar and sang, then preached and when the 2 toddlers woke up from their morning nap, service was officially over and we all went to Cici's Pizza for Easter Lunch.

Wow, alot has changed in 7 years. Thankful to God for His faithfulness in helping us stay the course,

Hope your Easter was great too,

Matt Keller


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