
Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Art of "Rest" for Leaders

One of the biggest problems in the church world and with many leaders in general is not knowing how to "Rest!" How is it possible that Jesus commanded it, it's a Ten Commandment, and it's laced throughout the pages of the Bible, and yet for many of us leaders, it's one of the hardest things we do... or don't do.

Summer is one of the most strategic times in any church calendar and understanding your need, as a leader, to Rest is a Huge part of that!

What is Rest?

1.  Rest is a Water-Stop. Our Associate Pastor at NLC, Mike Ash, is a marathon runner, triathlon guy! He's big and buff and strong and likes to punish his body with activities like that! I remember being on a run with Mike several years ago and after about a mile, I started drinking water and proverbially "Freaking Out." (Which is what I do when I try to do things like run.) I noticed that throughout the whole like 2 or 3 miles, Mike didn't drink anything the whole time. So I asked him. He said, "Your body doesn't really start needing water for a while. So on a shorter run like this, (I think he was throwing that in my face...) you don't HAVE to have a water bottle with you."

Not so in a marathon. There's a reason why they set up water stations every so often for the runners to drink and splash their face with it. Because in a marathon, water stops are essential to survival.

So what kind of race do you want to run with your church this year? A 100 yard dash? A 2 or 3 mile run? or a 26.2 mile marathon? Around NLC we talk about our 52 weeks in a year as a marathon. Then we challenge each other with the question, "When and where are your water stops?" Don't think you don't need water; and not just to drink, but to splash in with your kids!

More tomorrow...



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