
Monday, June 15, 2009

How Do we "Rest"?!?

Last week, we began a series of blogs about the Summer Slump and Rest for leaders. Today I want to turn to a quick reference guide for leaders on

How to Get enough Rest:

I remember reading this in a Bill Hybels book a long time ago. So I want to give him credit (I think it was him...) Thanks Bill.

1.  Divert Daily.  I jokingly refer to my office as "The Florescent Jungle." Sometimes I just feel like I'm being swallowed alive by Florescent lights, you know! Everyday, a leader has to do 2 things: First, go outside. Of course, I live in the Sunshine State where it's sunny 315 days a year, so I recognize my Minnesota friends might have a different strategy, but...

As a rule, make it a point to get out of your office at least once a day. Did you know the Sun gives us Vitamin D? Think about that for second; God actually created us to not be completely healthy without the sun! That's so cool.

Second, every leader needs to do something in their day that makes them feel strong. For me it's reading or encouraging. I can only have so many meetings and return so many e-mails in a day before I just want to jump in front of a bus! E-mail and meetings don't make me feel strong. Reading or encouraging someone does! What makes you feel strong? You MUST do that everyday!

2.  Withdraw Weekly.  Take a Day Off! No Exceptions. No excuses. No Buts. God said it, do it! It's His world, He created it, so you have 2 options: Do what He says, or create your own world.

So... in light of you not being able to create your own world, why not just go along with His? If you aren't used to taking a day off, you'll probably have to get extreme. Here's what I mean. You'll probably have to completely turn off your phone, leave your computer unplugged and not be available to ANYONE, but your family for an entire 24 hours!

Some of us are getting the shakes right now just thinking about it. Don't worry, Twitter and Facebook will be there when you get back... And if someone needs you like for an emergency, they find a way to get ahold of you. Or they might just have to figure it out themselves. If they get mad, fine. (Good news, they are big enough to create a world for you to live in either!)

3.  Move Out Monthly.  I don't think Hybels said "Move Out" but I can't remember his Verb, so... (If you know it, leave it in the comment section and I'll fix it)  Anyway, every 30 days, I recommend that a leader carve out a half day to a whole day (ideally) to get out of the office and think. Again, turn all the gadgets off and just let your mind connect with God and think. I think some of my best thoughts on road trips. I find that just getting out of my element and seeing different sights helps my mind to think different thoughts.

4.  Escape Annually.  Leading is hard work and it requires time off. Don't believe the lie that "The devil never took a day off!" or "I never want someone in the business world to outwork me." Listen, #1: Since when did we start taking our cues from the business world? and #2: When did we start taking our cues from the devil?

I highly recommend a "No Kids" Vacation at least once a year. As my wife tells other pastor's wives, "My husband needs a time when I'm am JUST HIS WIFE! Not mommy, not church worker, not house cleaner, JUST HIS WIFE!" Amen sister! Guys take her away. The kids will be fine!

However much vacation you're allowed to take, take it all! You deserve it.

God said to Rest... Either we build it in, or He'll force it upon us. Either way, it's gonna happen. We might as well plan it and enjoy it instead of waiting for a heart attack or anxienty attack to put us in the hospital...

Go take a nap,



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