
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Everything is Beautiful in its Time

I thought I would share my SOAP with you today...

S: Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything..." v. 11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time..."

O: I couldn't help but be reminded of how God has set the time in place for everything. Every promotion, every job change, every opportunity, every relationship, every child, every calling, every provision, every miracle... God has appointed a time for everything.

But verse 11 was the one that really hit me this morning... "Everything is beautiful in its time." Outside of it's time, not so beautiful.

A: I can think of so many times in my life where I have wanted something; an opportunity, an open door, a chance, a blessing & in my own heart, I thought that having it now would be the best thing. But for whatever reason, God decided to not allow me to have it right then. Only in hindsight have I been able to see that God's timing is always better than my time, every time. No exceptions. "Everything is beautiful in its time."

P: "God, help me to trust Your timing on so many things that I desire in my life. I have such a limited view of the bigger picture that You're up to in my life. Help me to keep trusting you, because what I want more than what I want is what You want. You truly do make everything beautiful in the right time. Thanks for that, Amen."


MIke Lowery said...

I am living it man. It was my prayer this morning that God would fill me with His Spirit to give me that patient trust in His timing and His plan. Thanks for being Matt.

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