
Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Can't wait for this weekend at NLC! We're talking leadership baby...

In preparation for the final installment of our "Get Out" Series, where I'm going to be sharing something I've never shared about leadership at NLC before, I'm giving one thought each day about how I think about Leadership Development.

Thought #4:

I believe Leaders Grow Through Responsibility.

     I believe Young Leaders, (but leaders in general too) are longing for a chance for someone to pass them the ball. They want to be trusted with a piece of the vision. At Next Level Church, we believe in On-the-field training and coaching in leadership. Now, I'm not saying that you just blindly give away the vision of your organization to a leader that is untested or unproven, but I do think there are areas all over the organizations we lead that can and should be entrusted to up and coming leaders.

     Responsibility increases buy-in and ownership. It also creates real-time scenarios for leaders to seek counsel and wisdom, and hone their leadership skills in real time. One can only read so many books or learn so many theories before they actually need to be put in a game-time situation and forced to lead.

     Leadership development through Responsibility is huge for me.


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