
Monday, September 26, 2011

Another Curveball - Keller Family Update - Monday Morning, September 26th, 2011

If there's one thing I've learned over my 20 + years of being in ministry its that Satan will always overplay his hand. Well, he has once again…

Sunday afternoon, my mother-in-law, Alison, (who lives with us and has been helping me hold our family life together) fell and broke her shoulder! Yes, you heard me right, she BROKE HER SHOULDER and is going to need surgery by Tuesday of this week.

Clearly, the enemy is working overtime to keep our family out of commission! But we're not going to be dismayed, discouraged or distracted by any of this!

Here's what we know: The Bible says that "Greater is He that is IN US, than he that is in the world…" In other words, JESUS WINS!!! ALWAYS!!!

We're not afraid, in fact, the battle always rages the worst when the victory is near! And we know that God has us in a position to impact tens of thousands of people IN THE NEXT 7 DAYS alone!

As I write this, (Early Monday Morning) I am in Dallas, TX with Pastor Kyle, teaching a one-day leadership training event with close to 100 pastors and leaders from churches across the Southwest US all day! (Prayers appreciated!)

Additionally, this coming weekend we will be hosting our 4th Annual Pastors & Wives Event called "Access Granted" at Next Level Church. We have 15 couples flying in from across the US to spend a weekend at NLC to learn and take back so many of the principles and ideas that God has allowed us to learn in the last decade!

So… we need to pray everybody!

Yesterday, (Sunday) was the best Sarah has felt in over 3 weeks. Her strength is slowly returning and the headaches are all but gone.

Pray for her to continue to rest this week, even though she's going to be tempted to pick up some of the burden with Access Granted and her mom going down.

Pray for Alison's surgery. We'll keep you posted on the latest details there as they unfold.

Pray for all of the other moving parts of our lives (My mom & dad, the NLC staff, other key leaders) who are stepping up in even greater ways as well! So many of you have been amazing! Thank you.

We have meals covered for the week, so we're good there. And my mom (Jo) is staying at our house with Sarah, Alison and the boys.

We're not defeated, no, we're actually encouraged , because we know that we're on the edge of victory!

Thanks for standing with us, everyone,

Prayer makes a difference,

Pastor Matt & Sarah


Kelly Cameron said...

You are defiantly doing something right when you have all of this attention from the enemy. Praying for your family and excited to see the Lords hand in an amazing victory over this battle...Greater things are yet to come!!!

Jon and Robin said...

I've been praying for your family and your Dallas trip. Sorry I couldn't be with you guys. I'm in Kansas City, headed for OKC... Maybe the next time I'm in the US I'll have some time to see you.

Abel Cuellar said...

Blessings Pastor, I thought about you yesterday, and I just wanted to ask how are you guys doing on keeping up with your house, my wife and I have a Janitorial business and are wondering if you needed us to stop by a clean your house for you just so your wife doesn't feel like she has to, Of course its free of charge, we just want to serve you and your family the way you and your family serve ours, please let me know and we can put you on our schedule, until everything is back to normal or beyond. My wife's number is 239-248-9716 feel free to call and allow us to be a blessing. or just send me an email at God bless!! you're in our prayers.Love the Cuellars

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