
Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Night Update for Sarah - 9 PM - Sept. 19th, 2011

Day 15 since the Headaches began :: Day 11 in the Hospital.

Sarah had her Lumbar Drain removed at about 3:30 pm today. The procedure took 30 minutes and she did very well. They did have to give her a couple of stitches without any numbing medicines so she was a bit sore after that, to say the least.

She has been up to the restroom a couple of times since and her head feels the same as when she is laying down. Which is different than where we were a week and a half ago. The doctors are confident that the lumbar drain has done what we wanted it to do which is to allow the body to heal the leak.

So the plan is for her to spend 24 more hours on her back under observation at the hospital and if all goes well, there is a shot that she could come home tomorrow evening. We're all believing for that.

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Now, on a personal note...

Allow me to comment on an observation that I've seen over the past 2 weeks. Sarah and I have been together for over 20 years (5 1/2 years dating & almost 15 years of marriage) and I've always marveled at her ability to have a positive attitude and always be smiling. In fact, one of the #1 complements people give my wife is about her smile. She's always smiling and her smile is infectious.

I have been amazed that over the past 11 days in the hospital, she has never lost that infectious positive attitude and smile. Countless nurses and medical staff have commented about it. The few guests we've had have noticed it and even people on Twitter and Facebook have noticed it from the few updates she's posted.

I am blown away at Sarah's ability to stay positive and focused on getting well. She has truly inspired me through this whole process. I am amazed that she can be the one with tubes hanging out of her, people poking her, noises and distractions all around her and a mask over her eyes because her head is pounding and yet, her spirit is encouraging me!

She truly is a beautiful woman, inside and out, and this whole ordeal has once again proven what we all have already known.

I love you Sarah and am so proud of you,


Your Husband

I pray tomorrow is the day you get to come home again.


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