
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sarah Keller - Medical Update - 9:30 Tuesday Night, Sept. 13th, 2011

Tuesday Night, 9:30 pm Update for Sarah Keller:

Dr. Fuchs, Sarah's surgeon came in today and basically discussed the options with us about where we go from here, because the headache pressure is still there whenever Sarah stands or sits up.

So after consulting with him and he with the Neurologist, they are going to be inserting a "Lumbar Drain" into her back tomorrow (Wednesday) at some point to relieve the pressure off of her lower back where we believe the tear to be. This lumbar drain will be in for 5 days which means she'll be in the hospital on bed rest until at least early next week.

They will also be doing another "Blood Block" tomorrow while they're inserting the Lumbar Drain in the hopes that the blood will find the hole and form a clot and plug the hole. This will be her second "Blood Block." The first was on Friday in the Doctor's Office before she was admitted to the hospital.

We're hoping that this drainage tube and the blood block tomorrow will do the trick and will relieve the pressure enough for the leak to heal. Nobody is acting like any of this is life-threatening or a huge deal, they're just very aware that it's a painful deal that just takes time to heal.

In the meantime, it looks like she's going to be in the hospital for a while. Her spirits are fine. However, the boys and I are waking up to the fact that we're looking at a pretty long stretch without mom at home. Grandma Alison continues to be a HUGE help! And we're thankful to so many of you who have brought us meals and food. You guys are the best.

As I mentioned before, Sarah is NOT permitted to have ANY Visitors at this time.

However, if you would like to send a card or note the address is in the original post.

How you can pray:

* Pray for the leak to heal completely.

* Pray for the headache pressure to heal when she stands.

* Pray for precision and safety during her surgery tomorrow.

Thanks everybody for carrying this with us. I'll update tomorrow as we know more...

Matt and Sarah Keller


Mike Eaker said...

Matt you and sarah are in Amberle and my prayers tonight as every night since we first heard, as well as the boys to have momma back at bedtime. We will definitely pray for miraculous surgeons tomorrow. We want sarah's amazing sprite and smile back soon. SARAH GET BETTER SOON. Love you guys and if you need anything let us know.

Mike Eaker said...

Matt and Sarah Amberle and my prayers are with you tonight as every night since the start of all this as well with the boys. We are praying a special prayer tonight for a miraculous surgeon tomorrow. We all want sarah's amazing spirit and smile back soon. GET BETTER SOON SARAH. We love you guys and if you need anything let us know

Jeremy Copeland said...

Lifting you and Sara and the boys up.

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