
Monday, July 16, 2012

Provision in the Snake Bites - (My #SOAP from Acts 28)

On the last weekend of June, (Around the Table - Part 4) I taught on the method of SOAP; The way we use to study and apply God's Word. As an example, and as an encouragement, I wanted to share what I SOAPed on on Thursday, June 28th. The chapter we were reading was Acts 28.


S: Scripture.

Acts 28:3b "...a viper driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his (Paul's) hand."

v. 6 "...after waiting along time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds."
     - The people thought that since Paul was a prison on the boat that was shipwrecked in chapter 27, that apparently God was giving him what he deserved and that 'Justice was being done' in the end. But Paul didn't die from the snake bite.

v. 7 "...the chief official...welcomed us to his home and for three days entertained us hospitably."

O: Observation.

At 1st glance, when you read about Paul getting bit by a snake bite, you go, 'Man, this guy can't catch a break,' but then you realize that God is indeed in that, even that! Because once nothing happens to him, they completely change the way they are treating him. Paul goes from prisoner washed up from a shipwreck to 'god' immediately. And he goes from sleeping on the beach to sleeping at the governor's mansion. Unreal!

A: Application.

We must be careful that we don't pre-judge the snake bites in our lives! It's easy to get so focused on the shipwreck, the cold and rain and the snake bites that we forget the greater thing God might be up to.

The provision Paul needed for the next leg of his journey was hidden inside a snake bite at a campfire surrounded by cold wind and rain following a shipwreck caused by someone else's disobedience!

When it looks like God isn't or couldn't be at work... every time... He is!

P: Prayer.

"God, I know there have been times in my life, even recently, that I have cursed the snake bites or gotten frustrated or angry because I feel like it seems that I can't catch a break. Forgive me of that, Lord. Help me to not get so fussed up when it looks as thought things aren't going my way! Amen."


So there you go... that's an example of what I see when I study and read God's Word. I hope it encourages you and challenges you.

? What "Snake Bite" have you been failing to see as a blessing in disguise?

Thanks for reading,




Zach Maddox said...

I've always appreciated the SOAP method. I think it's a great way to do something more than simply read scripture and allow it to come alive in us.

As far as snake bites goes, God always has unique ways of working through our lives...and that's, I think, where faith comes in. Faith to know God works all things together for our good. I think Paul understood this and is why he could have "joy" in suffering. He knew God would work it out.

Zach Maddox said...

I've always appreciated the S.O.A.P. method. Great way to study the Bible instead of simply passing over scripture.

As far as snake bites go - I do think God works in ways we may not find convenient.

A couple of years ago my family and I were living and working in Sudan and we were in a minor car accident. By their laws I was guilty and had the "opportunity" to sit in jail for a day, until someone would vouch for me. While waiting, I had time to talk with the Sudanese police officers and they asked if I was a Muslim. I shared with them that I was a follower of Jesus.

I never meant to share Jesus in a Sudanese jail, but God wanted to work through a unique-type of snake bite so those police officers could be exposed to Jesus.

I have found it best to embrace snake-bites, God is always at work.

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