
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More of what I'm learning right now (Part 2)

So on Monday, I began a new series of blogs about "All the Things I'm Learning right now..." Here's the 2nd installment...

6. It only takes 1 idea to succeed. Never underestimate that truth that: The power of one idea plus God, can equal Breakthrough into a whole new level. Don't be too quick to give up on an idea. Some of the best ideas ever were simply morphs of a "pretty good idea." Make every idea a beach ball, and give permission to people near you to bat it around until it becomes great. Your job is to simply keep it from hitting the ground.

7. Risk ought to be regular. Plain & simple, if we're not taking enough
risks, we're not positioning ourselves for true success. When was the last
time you took a risk? What's keeping me from taking more risks on a daily
basis? What if I developed an ability to risk in the small things everyday
so when a big risk came along it wouldn't feel so foreign or awkward to me?

8. The only way to win is to lose first. Can we really go up, before we
hit rock bottom? Hopefully, but more probably, no. God uses failures and
shortcomings in our lives to mold us on a heart level into what God wants /
needs us to become so we can become what He wants us to be when we finally
do succeed.

Just a bloggish thought,



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