
Sunday, December 2, 2007

All the Things I'm Learning right now (Part 3)

After an extended absence from the blogosphere, I'm now back in full force. Here's the third installment of, "All the Things I'm Learning right now," by Matt Keller. Thanks for reading...
9. "When" is Coming!!! A few months ago I wrote a blog titled, "It's not
if, it's when." Well, guess what, "When" is coming soon. I can feel it.
God's timing is exact, and He is exactly beginning to move and open doors
like crazy around the NLC world. December 2nd was a huge day for us.
We're so excited about the Big Opportunities God is placing in our hands!

10. I am learning to be more secure in who I am in Christ, regardless of
the approval of man.
With or without man's approval, I'm learning to be
more secure in my calling and my responsibility to that calling than I've
ever been before. It's a great place to find yourself in. However, it's easy to let slip away too. I'm still working on that part!

11. I have a responsibility & a calling to develop young leaders around me.
I'm learning in the last few weeks that God has uniquely gifted and called
me to have a total passion for leadership development of young leaders
around me. We're actually trying to be very strategic as we head into 2008
about how we leverage that calling and passion in my life. Stay Tuned to
hear more about that as we get closer to the New Year.
More tomorrow, but for now I submit...

Just a bloggish thought,



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