
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Resources for "Life Interrupted" - Part 2

Thanks everyone for checking out the Resources I mentioned in Part 2 of Life Interrupted. Here are several that our staff put together this week. This is just the tip of the ice berg, but it should be a great start. I hope you'll push past any "Intellectual Excuses" and engage your mind to encounter Jesus in a new way. There is a link on the right side of this page to the message if you didn't hear it or want to refer it to a friend. Let's start with...

The Bible – written by God – This book is a collection of writings from Jewish and Christian scholars. Some of the authors tell engaging stories, some give amazing instruction, and some just feel the need to tell you the genealogy of someone. (I know I'm being tongue & cheek, but seriously... if you're not reading it, start. the Book of John is a good place.)

How to Study the Bible for all It's worth - Henrietta Mears - This is a great resource for an overview of the 66 "books" contained in the Bible.

How Good is Good Enough – Andy Stanley – This book looks at the popular mindset that, “good people go to heaven.” Using scripture and logic, Stanley unpacks that line of thinking.

The Normal Christian Life – Watchman Nee – This book dives into what it means to live life as a Christian. It attempts to break down what it would look like to live a, “normal,” Christian life.

Desire of the Everlasting Hills by Thomas Cahill - A great look at history
and the world before and after Christ. An enjoyable read.

Evidence that Demands a Verdict I and II - Josh McDowell - McDowell started out on a quest to prove Christianity wrong and wound up one of the most convinced people on the planet. These two books are his findings. Great stuf.

More than a Carpenter - Josh McDowell - This is a quick read that digs into the claims of Jesus . It's a must read for anyone with questions about Jesus as, "The Son of God," "The Only Way," etc.

A Case for Christ - Lee Strobel - Lee has a whole line of "A Case for..." Books. These are great for practical data and proof on any number of Christian topics. He even has a "Case for Christmas."

Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster - Great stuff on what it means to live a life surrendered to Jesus Christ.

The Life You've Always Wanted - John Ortberg - I like the way Ortberg writes and I think he takes many of the Celebration of Discipline concepts and puts them into everyday terms. This is an awesome book for the person who wants to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell - Rob has this way of using conversational language to dig into this crazy cool Bible History, Jewish culture stuff. This book reads so easy, it's like you're listening to him talk. Gotta, gotta, gotta read this book! - A website I visit often. This website is FREE and has every kind of Bible reference guide, or translation you can think of. I use this website as a resource for almost every message I ever give. They have everything from daily devotionals, to message transcripts, and even some advertisements. (ha)

Thanks again for digging in deeper into your faith.

I love being your pastor, NLC, This is truly the best church EVER!!!



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