
Friday, July 20, 2007

Lessons from a PlayStation 2

Friday was an historical day for the Keller boys. For the last 8 months or so, my kids have been saving their money for a PlayStation 2. Will (my 6 yr old) more so than Drew (the 4 yr old). I have used the goal of a PS 2, to teach Will some basics about Business & Finance. In fact, 5 months ago, he even started a little retail "business" (that went amazingly well by the way.) Drew has been saving his birthday money and any other coins he finds laying around daddy's wallet, etc.

So on Friday morning they came to an amazing discovery... if they pooled their money together, they would have enough to buy a PS 2. Around 9:30 am, they came running down the hall to find me & share the news. After we emptied the piggy banks (literally) and their wallets, the realization hit us... Today was going to be the day! The Kellers would enter Video Game Land! (I can still remember buying my first Atari with my brother as a kid! Crazy!)

Now I have to confess I have mixed emotions about this b/c up to this point, Sarah and I have been rather resistant to the whole "video game" thing, more in the name of "you're going to become couch potatoes" and "it's going to melt your brains into mush," type of thinking, then anything theological or otherwise. But none the less, the kids had met their goal and it was go time. So off we went to Target and they were like 2 kids in a toy store. (Oh wait, that's exactly what they were...)

It was awesome to be able to reinforce, for my kids, a couple of leadership principles and philosophies that I try to model and live out on a daily basis in my life as a pastor and leader. They are:

1. Teamwork. At NLC, it's all about Team. Period. This is a value we have reinforced from day one, and we seek to reinforce at the earliest levels of our church. We need each other and that's all their is to it. The way we teach it in our Kids Ministry at NLC is called, "Cooperation." "Together we can make the impossible, possible." It's an awesome feeling to know that what my kids are learning at Church is being lived out at home... Even at the ages of 6 and 4! Praise God! (If you aren't bringing your kids faithfully to our Kids Ministry, you're missing out on a valuable training ground to instill the values you want most in your kids as they grow! Make it a priority every week for your family. You won't regret it I promise!)

2. Perseverance. I marveled each week at Will's patience when he was earning money from his business. He had a Profit & Loss sheet and the whole deal. And each week, he knew how much further he had to go and how much he had earned. Some of us adults could take a lesson right here, couldn't we? If only we knew where our resources were going and coming from as well as my 6 year old! He didn't give up on his goal, and as I've seen in his eyes all day today, "Anything good in life is worth waiting for."

3. Faithfulness. They were faithful to their goal and it paid off. They didin't give up or loss heart. They remained true and faithful to their goal and I'm so proud of them for it. What goal are you being tempted to give up on? Don't do it. Don't give up! It will be worth it, I promise. As the Bible says, "You will reap a harvest if you do not faint."

I know that 1 of the huge goals most all of us around the NLC world have is that our lives would be used for something greater than ourselves. At NLC, the way we make that a reality is through the value of Teamwork. I can't even begin to tell you how each week, over a hundred volunteers and "team members"make the environments happen across our church, and the end result is Lives Changed for Eternity!!!

From Connection Group Leaders or Hosts, to Kids Zone leaders, Set up crew, to Musicians, Ushers, Greeters, Accountants, Office Administration, Techies, Video Editors, Event Organizers, Kids Class workers. You name it, there is a place to serve on an amazing Team at NLC.

If you're not involved in the life of NLC through serving, I highly recommend you e-mail Pastor Mike Ash or go to to get involved right away! Now is a great time to jump in with both feet!

Well, I better go, I think I hear my kids fighting over a controller,

Just a gamish bloggish thought,



Tom "Chris Farley" said...

Thank You Matt for your Daily Blog. Today's blog sums up everything that makes Next Level Church great. I have never before looked forward to Sunday mornings like I do now that I attend Next Level.

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