
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Don't Come Down Off the Wall - An Encouraging Word!!!

Hey everyone,

It's so easy to get consumed by the "less than positive" voices and things that surround us so often on a daily basis. It 's easy to become discouraged because things aren't going as we wish they would go. Progress isn't being made as quickly as we hoped. The negative voices are louder in our ear than the postiive ones. If you've ever felt that way I want to encourage you.

In the book of Nehemiah there is this moment where Nehemiah and all of the inhabitants of Jerusalem have been working on the wall for like 30 or 40 days . They're tired. They're hungry. They haven't seen normal in several weeks and to make it all worse, there is one guy, Artaxeres who is the consumate "negative voice ," who just won't stop bothering them. He's doing everything he can to knock their progress off course.

Finally, Artaxeres tries to convince Nehemiah to come down off the wall, "just to have a meeting" and talk about their differences. And it's in that moment that Nehemiah makes a statement that is just awesome. He says, "I am doing a great work and I can't come down." I love that. It's like in that moment Nehemiah has this ability to view all that he has accomplished, all that God has put in his heart, and all the possibility that he and his people are capable of, in his sights, and in light of all that, his only response is: "No way baby!! I'm not coming down! I've got too much good happening to stop and listen to you in this moment!!!!"

I believe that's a word for some of you today! You are facing circumstances that look discouraging on the outside. Well, can I just encourage you that "you are doing a great work! Don't come down! Don't even give those negative voices a second thought! You are an overcomer with more potential than you could ever think or imagine! Stand strong in the Lord and in His mighty power! You have way too much good going on in your world to let a couple of negative people throw your focus off course! Don't come down!

Hope that helps!

Just an Encouraging Bloggish thought,



Tom said...

Thanks Pastor Matt, Excellent message.

Melissa Keeney said...

Just when I needed an encouraging word, from an old friend...I read your blog. After what's been a tough week, it sure helped. Miss you guys!

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