
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"The Uncommon Favor of God is on Next Level Church" - Luke Walters

I mentioned that on Sunday, Luke & Sandy Walters came over to the house for dinner. They are missionaries to Sri Lanka and God is using them mightily to say the least. During our time together, he shared with me that while he was around our church, he couldn't get away from this idea that God's "Uncommon Favor" is upon us.

So at the end of the night, they paused by our front door and laid hands on my wife and I and prayed for us. He prayed for God's continued "Uncommon Favor" to be upon us. Wow. I can't get away from those words! For the past 2 days I've been praying for "Uncommon Favor" on our church, and on the people of our church. I believe that God is blessing Next Level Church, not so that we can sit and bask in how "much we have." But so that we can allow that blessing to flow "Through" us into others around the country and the world.

I have had a heaviness on my heart that we, as a church, would become more faithful stewards of all that we've been entrusted with in the days ahead. I know that God wants to use NLC to bring about Life-Change in so many across Southwest Florida, strengthen and coach Church Planters across the country, as well as fuel missions across the globe.

Can I ask you to join me in praying for "Uncommon Favor" from God upon our church and the people of it? Who knows what God might do if we're faithful!!!

Just a Bloggish Thought,



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