
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest"

When it comes to my devotional life, I struggle to find consistency. In fact, I have this on-going theory that just about the time I get into a routine or rhythm with my prayer life/Bible reading life/devotional life, God makes me change it up.

Anyway, about a week ago, I bought a copy of Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost for His Highest." It's a true classic daily devotional in the Christian world. I'm not sure when he originally wrote it but his language sounds like 1940's England. None the less, if you don't rush through it, the duffer's got amazing insights into life. I can't believe how each day it's like he's talking to me.

I want to share a few quotes with you, and throw in some personal insights from me.

Here's one: April 1st: "Beware of getting ahead of God by your desire to do His Will." He goes on to say that it's possible to run ahead of God Wow. What n eye opening statement! Running ahead of God. Yeah... I probably do that way more than I'd like to admit. Ready, fire, aim. That's me.

One more: April 1st: "If a burden or pressure came upon while not in an attitude of worship, it will produce a hardness in our heart." Come on Oswald, that's just sick! When we don't amintain an attitude of worship, the pressures of life cause our heart to get hard. Stop it already man!

Chew on that for a while. Feel free to comment back if you want,

Just a bloggish thought,



Brian said...

a year ago a friend gave me a copy of that devotional and it has been one of the most insightfull things I have read. I think God spoke to that man and he listened.

Rob Watrous said...

Yeah, thats good about getting ahead of God. I always like to think of the illustration of a running back and his blockers. A good running back, not matter how fast, will wait for his blocks to set up. I like to think Jesus is my blocker, opening up wholes in the field of my life. Then, as soon as God knocks down a few obstacles(like a good blocker will)("best blocker in the world, self taught no lessons" just a movie quote. LOL), you can use your gifts (speed) to break out for the touchdown. Our goal is for a life wholly lived out for God, or simply Heaven. Paul says it best in Phil. 3:14. "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Man thats going to be sweet. He tells is to the Corinthians like this, "to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord." Man, death gets me excited. Sorry for the rant.

Preston said...

I've been enjoying Oswald for about 10 yrs now. My favorite is Aug 5

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