
Monday, August 6, 2007

God is Perfect!

In the last 5 1/2 years of church planting, I can honestly say that I have learned that God is perfect. He has proven that so many times throughout the journey of Next Level Church. In the early days of our church, (back when I used to think I knew it all,) I am blown away that God knew better what road we needed to take then we thought we did. Time and time again, we have seen the perfection of God. Here are my 2 most current thoughts on God's Perfection:

1. God's Timing is Perfect! I suppose that when you are the creator of time, it's not too difficult to be on time. I used to be a stickler for being on time. I remember in my younger days (like 8 months ago) saying from the platform of our church, "When someone is late to an appointment with me, it's like they're spitting in my face!" Then, I became more busy then I've ever been in my life and all of a sudden, I started being "late" to appointments. Wow. What an eye opener I had.

When I think about God's Timing, I have become convinced that His timing is perfect. He is always exactly on time. So watch how this plays out in our daily lives. If there is a deal, or a relationship, or an issue you're facing and it's not moving as quickly as you would like, can I just encourage you that God is right on time! If you're walking in Him and leaning on Him, He's GOING to show up! It's not a question of "if" it's "when."

I think God's desire is that we learn to trust Him. It's amazing how He always sets things up in my life so that He gets the glory.

Here's a Question for us to consider: Where are we getting anxious? Where do you need to trust God? In a deal? In a relationship?

2. God's Provision is perfect. The other thing I've learned is that God's provision is perfect. He always provides just what we have need of at just the right time. I love the Scripture that says God won't give us more than we can handle!
One of the biggest growth areas of our faith is in the area of finances, isn't it? It's so much easier to trust God in ALL the other areas of our life, but when it comes to finances, it's like, "Hang on there, ole' buddy, now you're gettin' personal!"

Here's what I think: When we allow God to become GOD of our finances, He's truly God of our whole life! Yielding there, is a huge step. Trusting that His ability to provide for you and your family is greater than your ability to provide for you and your family. Wow. That's huge.

One Final Question: Are you trusting God as your Provider? Or just leaning on your own ability to provide for your situation?

Just a bloggish thought on God's Perfection,



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