
Thursday, August 9, 2007

I'm Livin' It! and I'm Lovin' It!

So alot of you were trackin' with us at the beginning of the summer when we did our "Arcade" series. We talked about living missionally in our everyday lives. Well, as many of you remember, I was pretty convicted by the whole thing... basically realizing that I wasn't intentionally interacting with unchurched people consistently.

Well, all of that is changing. In the last couple of weeks, I have had the opportunity to realize that my "living missionally," content" is rising! I am amazed at how God is answering my prayer to be more missionally focused in my everyday life. Here are few things I'm realizing:

1. People are messy. The truth is that people and people problems don't fit into our nice, neat organized boxes, do they? Truly engaging into the life of someone else is messy, costly, & time consuming.

2. Walking with people isn't easy. Living missionally is in it's purest form, walking with people. Through good and bad. Ups and downs. Whatever. And when you begin to interact with people who need to see and experience the love of Jesus most, what you begin to realize is that they are the ones who are walking through a storm or difficult time. And that's not easy.

3. This is all part of the deal. When we sign up to become Like-Christ in our everyday lives, we sign up to get our hands dirty. We sign up to do whatever it takes to live like Jesus with the world around us. The end result being that others see a side of God they have never seen before. And that makes it all worth it.

Just a bloggish thought,



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