
Monday, August 27, 2007

Why Conversational Marketing Matters to Churches - Part 3

If you're just joining the party, you might want to back up and catch the first 2 installments of the Conversational Marketing conversation we've been having. We're disecting a book called, "Beyond Buzz," by Lois Kelly, and I'm unpacking what I think it's got to do with the world of NLC, church, and church planting, etc.

In chapter 1, she unpacks Why Conversational Marketing Matters. I love this stuff... listen to this...

  1. Less consumer trust

  2. Technology

  3. The struggle to make sense out of so many choices and so much information

Isn't that true of people in our culture and spirituality? They have lost trust in so many tranditional religious institutions that once were pillars of our society. Technology is effecting the way we live everyday and undoubtedly effects people's spiritual lives. And we live in a world of "so many choices & so much information" when it comes to spiritual things. People don't know where to find the Truth! That's why this stuff matters so much! We've got to provide avenues for our church people to have meaningful conversations with others who are searching and desiring to know what God wants for their lives!

Listen to this quote: "Today communicating is direct and informal. Just as business dress (read church dress) has turned casual in all but a handful of major urban areas (read churches), so has business communications (read sermons). We often tune out the overly formal in favor of people who are more direct and plainspoken." Oh baby, that's just ridiculous!!! I love that! People want to hear the truths of God's Word in 2 ways: 1) Direct & 2) Plainspoken.

In other words, "Don't dress it all up and fancify it, just tell me the truth and let me make my own decision about it!" Come on! ? Where are we "dressing it all up" in our presentation of the message in our company, church, or world?

I gotta throw in one more quote, just cause it's so good. Listen to this... "When we're trying to understand new ideas, emotion and feelings play a big role in our decisions." Here's what that means. When someone who is new to the things of God is trying to understand them, they need it to be emotional... aka with passion!!! It's so true isn't it?!? I think that's what people love about NLC, they see so many people who are absolutely passionate about the things of God and living their lives in such a way that God is passionately glorified! We'll talk more about this in the next blog, but for now, consider this:

? How can you add emotion and passion to the conversations you're having around your world?

Yet another conversational bloggish thought,



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