
Monday, August 20, 2007

Who are you taking the journey with?

Today is the first day of school for my kids, and several thousand other kids here in Southwest Florida. My prayer for my kids as they start this school year is the same as it has been since last year at this time. It's a simple one, but I believe it is an absolutely, priceless one as well.

My prayer for my kids this school year is that "God would bring them friends that they could take the journey with." In other words, I am praying that God would pair them up with a few others who want to live for God, and that together they could experience the adventure together. I know they are only 4 and 7 years old, but I beleive that the people we surround ourselves with will make or break us. No matter what age.

So here's my question to all of us: Who are you "Taking the Journey of Faith with?" Who are the people closest to you that share your faith and beliefs in Jesus, and that you can take the journey with this year?

September 9th is Rally Day at Next Level Church. That's the day when we launch a new semester of Connection Groups. If you are a part of the NLC family, I want to strongly encourage you to dive into a Connection Group on Rally Day. It's doing life together deeply, that is truly life-changing.

I heard Rick Warren say recently, "You don't need a lot of friends, but the ones you have, have to be good ones!" Who are you taking the journey with?

Just a bloggish thought,



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