
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What I realized during my "Getaway" with my wife!

I mentioned yesterday that Sarah and I spent the weekend away together... just the two of us! Here are a few things I realized while being with my wife this weekend...

1. It takes me 48 hours to relax.

Sarah and I spent the first 2 days doing alot of sighing and unloading. I love being married so long now that we know what each of us needs in the way of "decompressing." We spent the whole first evening at dinner watching the sunset, and just sighing and then making some "blurt out statement" about some detail thing or issue that we had been facing in the last week or so. It really wasn't until the 2nd morning that we actually "felt" relaxed.

2. I have to "getaway" to "Go Long!" in my thinking.

Again, it takes us about 2 days before we're really able to start thinking about some "long thoughts" for our family, or the church or our dreams or our goals. That's why getaways are so stinkin' important! Because "long thoughts" can't be rushed.

3. Life is too short NOT to get away.

Sarah and I watched the podcast from on Sunday morning and the pastor, Craig Groeschel, is doing a series called, "30 days to live." It's good stuff about considering the bigger picture in your life. As we sat there watching it together we both realized that what we were doing together, just the two of us, was the most important thing we could be doing in that moment! May we never look back with regret in our marriage that we didnt' take full advantage of these opportunities.

4. My wife is AWESOME!!!

Yeah, so I'm not really gonna go into all the details, but suffice it to say that, "MY WIFE IS AWESOME!!!" I feel sorry for people who have "settled" in their marriages. & after a weekend like this, I'm glad that we didn't settle in our marriage a few years ago! I never knew that marriage could be this good. That's all I'm tellin' ya...

Just another bloggish thought,



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