
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Legos & Love!!!

So I'm playing legos with my 4 year old son, Drew, the other night. We were building a tower next to a swimming pool, that started out as a space ship or something, I don't know. During the building process, there was a tall staircase that I was in the process of placing on the top of our spaceship turned tower. In a worried tone, Drew asks me, "Dad, what are you doing?" To which my simple reply was, "Trust me!"

What happened next, took my breath away... Without hesitation, he says back to me, "I love you, Dad." To which I stopped and looked at him. Well, he's giving me this "matter-of-fact, cute, simple, half smile," (like only Drew can do) thus implying, "Duh, dad, of course I trust you... I love you."

Trust is implicit to love. To have one is to have the other. How in the world does my 4 year old know that??? How does he know that when you love someone, you trust them implicitly?

Zoom out to us... Why is so hard for us to trust God? I mean, we love Him right? We believe He loves us right? Then why don't we trust Him more? Not just with the big stuff (like salvation) but with the small stuff too? (like relationships, finances, our future hopes & dreams).

Where in your life is your Heavenly Father saying, "Trust me," and hoping that our response will simply come out as:

"I love you, Dad."

Just a bloggish thought,



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