
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Metaphor Game

So last night, I had the opportunity to work for about 4 hours painting the new warehouse space for our church! (By the way, it's going to be incredible! I can't wait for all of you to see it.) Anyway, I got to paint with Mark Luchour. He is one of the worship leaders at NLC & is just a dynamic, young leader who has a great personality ! Well, he and I got to playing the "Metaphor Game." It's really rather simple... everything you say, you have to compare to something else, by using the words, "Like, or As." (My mom is so proud right now!) Here's an example:

"This paint looks awesome, like my wife on our wedding day!" or

"We are knocking this out, like Mike Tyson." or

"I think we bit off more than we could chew, like Mike Tyson." (Sorry I couldn't resist!)

Anyway, I ended up destroying him, (Like the death star) 101 to 90 or something close to that (like a neighborhood gas station). Here's the point, on a serious note (like a letter from your teacher)...

To all you communicators out there: Metaphors are powerful. Jesus' primary method of communication was metaphorical! Metaphors have the ability to paint pictures for people like nothing else can. I would challenge you to go back and look at the way you communicate to employees, friends, colleagues, etc. Are you painting pictures with your words? If not, you're probably leaving something good on the table (like bad patrons at a fast food restaurant).

Pictures tell stories that words simply cannot. Don't miss out on their power.

Here's a great book recommendation: Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. They talk about this idea of making messages sticky to listeners. This book could be the "Good to Great" of communication books. Get it, it rules (like King David!)

Word Pictures are everywhere, use 'em (like a napkin.) They'll serve you well (like a good waitress.)

Keller out... (like bell-bottoms).

By the way, I know what you're thinking... this guy has serious A.D.D. (No question in my mind.) I just need more cars to fill up all my lanes. (At least that's what one counselor told me!) I could go on and on (like a bad professor) but I'll stop (like a 4 way).


Deb said...

This is awesome! By the way, I thought your strategy this past Sunday by having everyone stand up was brilliant. It really painted a great picture for us to understand your vision with service work, etc. Again, brilliant! Funny that you recommended this book. I was going to recommend this book to you during the Wed group.

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