
Monday, October 29, 2007

Prayer for Washington D.C. Trip

Hey guys, pray for me this week, Josh Quigley & I are flying to Washington D.C. to shoot 2 videos from the World War II Memorial & the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. They are for the next series that we're doing that launches on Veteran's Day, November 11th! I'm so excited about the series. It's called, "No One Left Behind." I don't want to spoil it for all of you, but I also feel strongly that I need you to pray for me. My grandfather served in World War II, & I have a feeling this is going to be pretty emotional for me.

We are also scheduled to have dinner with 2 church planters while we're there to encourage them and help anyway we can.

I'll let you know how it goes,

Just a bloggish prayer request... thanks,


Watch Over!!!

I was reminded of Psalm 127 today on my prayer walk & I just feel strongly that someone needs to be encouraged by these words. 5 times in 8 verses, the psalmist uses the phrase, "Watch Over." In other words, he wants to be very clear that our Heavenly Father "Watches Over" us at all times! Check this out... Here are the verses, (with my thoughts in paratheses)...

v. 1 "I lift up my eyes to the mountains (that's the most high & lofty place around) - where does my help come from?" (In other words, he could be implying any number of things... a. my help doesn't come from worldly high places, b. my help comes from the High places of God, c. when I face mountains that I know I am to climb, I gotta know where my help comes from)

v. 2 "My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." (Perhaps he clears up his intentions in this verse by recognizing that God created this whole world that we live in, and since He created it, He knows how to get us through it!)

v. 3 "He will not let your foot slip - he who watches over you will not slumber;" (I love that he changes his verb tense right here... He moves it from 1st person, personal, to 3rd person. He is now speaking to someone other than himself! I love that boldness. He had to internalize the message 1st, & then share it with others! Did you catch the 1st "watches over"?)

v. 4 "indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." (2nd "watches over". He speaks of Israel as the people he knows and loves. He is confident in God's ability to "watch over" the people he knows & loves.)

v. 5 "The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand;" (3rd "watches over". I'm not real sure of the reference to God being their shade at their right hand. Perhaps it has something to do with them living in a desert climate and needing protection from the scorching heat that can drain you. A potential metaphor for how being in the thick of a battle can drain you, and make you feel like you need relief, like a shade would provide. It kinda makes me want to do some study on that...)

v. 6 "the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night." (Again, not sure about how the moon can harm someone, but I bet he's saying something really powerful right here. In any case, he is declaring God's ability to "watch over" us anytime, day or night. He's always near, always watching, never sleeping!)

v. 7 "The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life;" (4th "watch over". This time from "ALL HARM!" Wow, what a declaration! Notice, he's increasing in the magnitude of his declarations of what God can do, will do, and is doing for them! He's building a case for the greatness of God in their lives!!!)

v. 8 "the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." (5th "watch over". This is the big culmination. No matter where you go, or when, God is watching over you!!! Picture having an umbrella that is always over head, protecting you from the scorching sun, but always available to shield you from storm, day or night, wherever you go, now & forevermore! That's a picture of our God.)

May we walk with that kind of boldness this week as we dig in & live for Him!

Hope that encourages you today,


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Made to Stick - Book Review

I just finished the book, Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath. I mentioned this book in an earlier blog last week, but I'm done now. So here are a few of my thoughts...

1. Their book is insightfully sticky. Which I suppose it should be, based on the subject matter.

2. Some of their illustrations are cumbersome & had a tendency to get me lost. Maybe it was just my ADD, but I liked all the illustrations, but then I found myself going, "What are they talking about now?" or "What's this got to do with the subject of the chapter?" So...

3. This book is perfect for every preacher. It's a great perspective for making your messages better, that's for sure.

4. There's a recap in the back that helped me injest all the info.

5. I said last week that Made to Stick could be the Good to Great of Communictions books. Unfortunately, I don't think they lived up to my initial billing.

6. Overall rating, I would give the book a 6 out of 10. It's a good read, if communication is a large part of what you do.

I am interested in finding other podcasts, or resources that they've created. B/c I think that they have alot of good things to say.

Just my bloggish thoughts,


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Legos & Love!!!

So I'm playing legos with my 4 year old son, Drew, the other night. We were building a tower next to a swimming pool, that started out as a space ship or something, I don't know. During the building process, there was a tall staircase that I was in the process of placing on the top of our spaceship turned tower. In a worried tone, Drew asks me, "Dad, what are you doing?" To which my simple reply was, "Trust me!"

What happened next, took my breath away... Without hesitation, he says back to me, "I love you, Dad." To which I stopped and looked at him. Well, he's giving me this "matter-of-fact, cute, simple, half smile," (like only Drew can do) thus implying, "Duh, dad, of course I trust you... I love you."

Trust is implicit to love. To have one is to have the other. How in the world does my 4 year old know that??? How does he know that when you love someone, you trust them implicitly?

Zoom out to us... Why is so hard for us to trust God? I mean, we love Him right? We believe He loves us right? Then why don't we trust Him more? Not just with the big stuff (like salvation) but with the small stuff too? (like relationships, finances, our future hopes & dreams).

Where in your life is your Heavenly Father saying, "Trust me," and hoping that our response will simply come out as:

"I love you, Dad."

Just a bloggish thought,


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Three Signs of a Miserable Job - Book Review

Often, people will ask me what books I'm reading, so here goes one: I just finished reading "Three Signs of a Miserable Job" by Patrick Lencioni. Here are my thoughts in random order:

1. Overall Rating: 7 - It's not his best book, (5 Dysfunctions of a team is) but it's got a great, simple concept that every leader needs to hear.

2. I got to see him at Catalyst last month. His delivery was rough at Catalyst, but again, his content was simple, and strong. I was excited about reading it.

3. He uses story form. His story in this one is good. I enjoy the escape literarily speaking and the ability to actually interact with a set of characters in a book.

4. The last 25 pages are the dynamite. He nails it all down and drives it home. It's good stuff.

5. You get some really interesting looks from people who see you reading a book about a "Miserable Job." That's a little awkward, & funny...

6. He basically says there are 3 Main Things People Need in order to NOT be miserable in their job (or read, service opportunity at a church, etc.):

First, They need to be known. They want to know that their boss or leader knows they have a life outside of work. And that they take a genuine interest in that life outside of work.

Second, They need to know that what they do matters. His word is Relevant. That they actually make a difference in someone's life. It's our job as leaders and bosses to connect the dots for people in our departments from what they do, to how it impacts someone's life everyday.

Third, They need to know that they are making progress. He calls it "Measurability." That what they give their lives to on a daily basis is actually making progress. This one is a by far the toughest one to actualize in terms of bringing it down to where the people we lead, are living. But it's a good point, none the less.

7. I would recommend this book as a good read for every leader, especially in church work, where people are volunteering themselves and their time to be apart of something bigger than themselves. We have a huge responsibility to make them feel known, relevant, and like they're making progress. It's a long story for 3 points. But definitely worth the read.

Just a Book Review Bloggish Thought,


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Getting Set Up!!!

So I'm reading Proverbs 24 today and this one verse jumps off the page at me:

v. 14 "Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."

Here's the deal: He's talking about wisdom & how important it is to have in your life. Of course this isn't new info for most of us... ( think "Best Question Ever" stuff...) but then he connects it to a benefit that will appear in our lives later if we do: Future Hope.

Basically what he's trying to say is: "If you put wisdom in play in the decisions you're making now, it will set you up for a Hope-Filled Future later. And that hope will never end!" (Echos of: What the Wise thing to do? huh?)

Wow, what a perspective. Here's why: It's so easy to think that the "seemingly small & insignificant decisions" we make on a daily basis only effect the here and now, but this verse challenges us to think more Long Term! What if the "small & insignificant decisions" we make today will effect our future in 20 or 30 or 40 years? What if our daily decisions have that much power?

Imagine the implications on our lives, if that's true. Never underestimate the power of a small decision made today in it's ability to "set you up" for the future!

Today Matters, Make every Decision Count, (That's easier said than done...)


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Metaphor Game

So last night, I had the opportunity to work for about 4 hours painting the new warehouse space for our church! (By the way, it's going to be incredible! I can't wait for all of you to see it.) Anyway, I got to paint with Mark Luchour. He is one of the worship leaders at NLC & is just a dynamic, young leader who has a great personality ! Well, he and I got to playing the "Metaphor Game." It's really rather simple... everything you say, you have to compare to something else, by using the words, "Like, or As." (My mom is so proud right now!) Here's an example:

"This paint looks awesome, like my wife on our wedding day!" or

"We are knocking this out, like Mike Tyson." or

"I think we bit off more than we could chew, like Mike Tyson." (Sorry I couldn't resist!)

Anyway, I ended up destroying him, (Like the death star) 101 to 90 or something close to that (like a neighborhood gas station). Here's the point, on a serious note (like a letter from your teacher)...

To all you communicators out there: Metaphors are powerful. Jesus' primary method of communication was metaphorical! Metaphors have the ability to paint pictures for people like nothing else can. I would challenge you to go back and look at the way you communicate to employees, friends, colleagues, etc. Are you painting pictures with your words? If not, you're probably leaving something good on the table (like bad patrons at a fast food restaurant).

Pictures tell stories that words simply cannot. Don't miss out on their power.

Here's a great book recommendation: Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. They talk about this idea of making messages sticky to listeners. This book could be the "Good to Great" of communication books. Get it, it rules (like King David!)

Word Pictures are everywhere, use 'em (like a napkin.) They'll serve you well (like a good waitress.)

Keller out... (like bell-bottoms).

By the way, I know what you're thinking... this guy has serious A.D.D. (No question in my mind.) I just need more cars to fill up all my lanes. (At least that's what one counselor told me!) I could go on and on (like a bad professor) but I'll stop (like a 4 way).

Monday, October 22, 2007

Going Up & Going In...

Here's what I'm learning right now... The further up you go, the more inward God wants to work in your life. It never fails that the minute God begins to bring increase in my life, (in any number of ways) that there is a requirement of God doing something greater inside of me as well. For example, if I am praying for God bump up the level of influence He wants for me to have in the lives of the people at NLC, then I know it's going to first start in me.

It's all about being "Trustworthy." I pray daily that "God would find me trustworthy." John Maxwell says it this way: "If you want to grow the organization, first grow the leader." So... in order for NLC to grow and become the life-impacting organism that we dream it can be, it has to first start with me... the leader.

It's been fun over the past 5 1/2 years to grow in my understanding of this concept. Because in the early days, I thought that it was about a whole bunch of other stuff. (which is important to some degree) But now, I'm realizing that it's me. "God wants to do a work IN me more than He wants to do a work THROUGH me!" Holy smokes, that's good! (It'sanother Maxwell quote, not an original, unfortunately.)

Let me say it again to make sure you get it:

"God wants to do a work IN you, more than He wants to do a work THROUGH you."

What if we could carry that around in our hearts this week? It might change us in some way, huh?

Just a bloggish thought,


Monday, October 15, 2007

10 Things You Don't Want People to say about Your Bible!!!

10. Wow, the pages sure are white!

9. Why do the pages still stick together?

8. Wow, It still has that new Bible smell!

7. What do you mean, "you don't know where it is?"

6. You know they've updated the translation right?

5. Why is it so dusty?

4. When was the last time you picked this thing up?

3. It looks amazing for getting it in 1993!

2. Are Bible covers still cool?

1. Yes, all 66 books are included in every Bible!!!

Happy Monday Everybody!!!


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pain brings Healing?!? Can that be right?

So here's a thought, I've been thinking about lately... What if the path to healing in our lives always includes an element of pain? In other words, what if there is no healing without pain? The Bible says that, "By His stripes we are healed..." The verse is speaking of Jesus' stripes. The pain He had to endure, the blood He had to shed in order that we, fallen humanity, might be healed of our sinfulness.

His pain brought our Healing. And what if, in some way, there is pain involved in the healing work of God that is on going in our lives? The pain of working through shortcomings. The pain of dealing with past hurts. The pain of remembering uncomfortable events in our past. The pain of ill-spoken words. Pain.

I know it's true for me that any time God wants to take me to a new place of wholeness in Him, I always have to walk through a painful place. A place where God "breaks me down," so He can build me back up into more of His image. It's the breaking part that is painful. It's right... but painful none the less.

I am so thankful that God knows how much we can handle and doesn't ever leave us or forsake us. I'm thankful that He walks with us in the pain and lovingly leads us to "Paths of Righteousness for His name's sake," as Psalm 23 says.

I don't like the pain, but I do like the idea of living in a place of healing and wholeness like I never have before. So perhaps pain is a blessing from God! Kinda makes you think differently about praying, "God, Bless Me!" doesn't it???

Just a bloggish thought,


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"People Need to be Reminded, more than they need to be Instructed!"

This is one of the 154,000 quotes I took away from the Catalyst Conference last week. Patrick Lencioni said it, and I absolutely love it! What a great reflection for me as a communicator. One of the primary line items on my job description has to do with weekly communication to a group of people. Here are a few of my thoughts that I'm processing through on this quote:

1. People Know & Understand more than we give them credit for.

By simply reminding them, we insinuate that they know more than they think we do. I think it's easy for us to assume that our employees, or friends, or children, or even church attenders, aren't capable of making wise, informed decisions. I just read a quote in the book, unChristian, by David Kinneman about the next generation that is so enlightening. He writes, "They (16-29 yr. olds) want to try things out themselves, disdaining self-proclaimed experts and 'talking head' presentations. If something doesn't work for them, or if they are not permitted to participate in the process, they quickly move on to something that grabs them."

What if our job as leaders is to "remind" people of what they already know in their heart to be the wise decision? And then to simply invite them into the process of fleshing it out in a personal way?

2. Humans have a built in resistance to being "told what to do."

Lencioni calls it instruction, however, it's reasonable to say that others might call it, "barking at me," "talking head," or worse. I love the thought that the next generation among us desires leaders who are "figuring it out as well." They want the "person up front" to just talk to them.

3. How we say things matters... a whole lot.

This implication from Lencioni's quote is big for me. As leaders, we can never forget that how we say what we say is as important as what we say. We are leaders. Our lives & words hold the power to create realities for people. Both positively & negatively. It's completely inaccurate that "sticks and stones are the only thing that break bones..." Our words can make or break a person's spirit, life & future!

May we, the leaders of the next generation, continue to "Remind" people of all that they can be in Christ, everyday!

Have I told you that I love doing this???


Monday, October 8, 2007

Catalyst Thoughts

Alright, so I'm almost overwhelmed by all that I took in last week at Catalyat. So here's what I got:

Tim Stevens who is the Executive Pastor of Granger Community Church gave an unbelievable recap of Catalyst on his blog late last week, so here's a link so you can get a feva' for the flava' of what we received.

It's just been an incredible time of letting God rock me big time!

I'll touch base again soon,


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rick Warren Remembered Me!!!

So I'm at the Catalyst Conference in ATL, GA this week! It's so great to get to spend a few days away with the staff and some other off the charts leaders from NLC! When it comes to the conference, the bottom line is, I don't even know where to start. It's going to take me several weeks to be able to decompress and process through all that we are learning! I'll start shooting out some blogs about all that we're receiving asap...

But for now here's a huge deal!

So Rick Warren spoke the last session of today (Day One) and it was just ridiculous! I mean, seriously, he rocked my face off! I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is to hear his heart from all that God has shown him and entrusted him with. He's the real deal, you guys, he lives what he preaches, big time!

Anyway, afterward, I had to go and talk to him and attempt to thank him for taking the time last spring to write me a personal note of encouragement after he saw our story on the Anderson Cooper Show on CNN. (By the way, in case you didn't know we were on CNN like 20 times last spring, to see the video of it, check out the videos section of our website. There should be a link to the right on this blog page...)

So after the talk, Sarah and I went down to the stage and I was able to push my way up to him. He's just an incredible guy to be up close to. When he came my way, I introduced myself and told him that we were featured on CNN and he looked at me and said, "Of course I remember you!" Then he gave me a big hug and said, "I was so proud of you when I saw that!" He then hugged Sarah and told us again how proud of us he was! Are you kiddin' me??? That's just crazy!

I told him that he would never know how much it meant to us that he took the time to send a personal note to us and thanked him again! I couldn't believe how down to earth and real and approachable he was. Talk about a guy who has an unbelievable grasp on all that he's been entrusted with and knows the power of his influence.

God help me to be that kind of leader,

I can't wait to share more with you guys,


Monday, October 1, 2007

Book Recommendation: "Going All the Way" by Craig Groeschel

I wanted to give a quick book recommendation about a new book coming out called, "Going all the Way." It's about Dating/Relationships/Marriage written by Craig Croeschel. Most of you guys know that I am a huge Craig fan and he pastors one of the most cutting edge churches in America called ""

I can't wait to read this book, and want to highly recommend it to all of you who happen to read my blog. Here's a link to to purchase it. Also, check out his church's site or his blog site.

Let me know your thoughts when you get it and read it, and I'll do the same,


Matt Keller