
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

4 Things I'm Learning about Leadership Right Now

2. Advancing takes Twice the Energy of Staying the Same.

There are just some things that we have to do as leaders simply to maintain. Put another way, there are some baseline responsibilities we have manage in order to "stay in business" from week to week. It's like putting gas in your car. If you don't do it, you don't go anywhere. No matter how nice of a car you have.

When it comes to advancing our organizations, truly great leaders understand that progress requires twice the energy that maintanance does. Progress doesn't just happen. It takes strategy, tenacity and determination to push past the daily grind and actually move forward.

That's easier said than done. I'm learning that right now.

Just a bloggish thought,



Dan said...

You're ringing in my ears. The only thing I know to do is to pace the progress too. Don't bite off more than I can chew and only do those things I know God is directing me to do.

Personally, I have to slow down and prayerfully consider the things I "think" are necessary for growth/progress and hear from heaven before I move forward.

"Prayer empowers progress and catapults potential." Huh...look at me. I made a quote.

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