
Thursday, September 25, 2008

4 Things I'm Learning about Leadership Right Now

3. The Distance between NEEDING a Creative Spark & HAVING a Creative Spark can be a million miles sometimes.

If you're creative or are required to create a weekly message that must inspire, challenge, entertain, motivate, provoke and teach several hundred people each week like I am then you probably understand the statement above.

For communicators, there is nothing worse than the lack of a SPARK! However, once you have it, the rest flows downhill pretty quickly. All I need is a SPARK, once I have that, I'm set. But SPARKs don't live around every corner and they certainly don't work 9 to 5. They hide in weird places like on road trips, or in books. They tend to stay awake late at night and run for cover whenever the phone rings or the e-mail is open.

SPARKs tend to live in the quiet places, which in our world, are hard to come by.

Yeah, I'm learning that the Distance between NEEDING a Creative Spark & HAVING a Creative Spark can be a million miles sometimes. But it's the search for the SPARK that is most of the fun.

I hope that made sense,



Ed Steffens said...

Marathon, advancing takes energy, easier said than done, need or requirement of spark, making it, pushing it, leading it…These themes are similar in nature Matt. My prayer for you today is from Matthew 11: 27-30, and my favorite reading of this is out of “the message”. And that is my point in this comment… the message.

Keeping you in prayer brother, Love

Amy Fontaine said...

Made total sense. You seem to find the spark more often than not. You ROCK Matt! Your an inspiration to hundreds! Your changing lives everyday. Seriously, you change lives, that's HUGE, not many people have that gift.
(No pressure Dude!!!) LOL

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