
Friday, February 11, 2011

I truly believe Teachability is the path to greatness. Here's why...

Teachability Thought #3:

Teachability is the path to Greatness.

Experts in any field are extremely teachable. Do you know why? Because they are keenly aware that in any given field there is too much to know simply by trial and error. To be an expert requires a tremendous amount of focus, attention, and energy. You have to not just learn facts and figures and statistics about something, you actually have to develop the skill of being able to work "ON" your field, not just "IN" your field.

Far too few leaders have developed the skill or created the space to actually work "ON" their leadership, and instead have become enslaved to only working "IN" their leadership. Teachable leaders understand that even as an expert in their field, they still have more to learn from others who are more experienced then they are and others who are less experienced then they are.

As a public speaker, I'm constantly watching and learning from other communicators. When they're talking, I'm listening to what they're saying "IN" their message, but I'm also watching the art of how they present "ON" their message. Both ways, I am learning.

Teachable leaders don't limit themselves to only being able to learn from others who are more experienced then they are. Often times, some of the freshest ideas in the world are generated by people who are not experienced enough to know how brilliant their new idea is.

? When was the last time you carved out 3 hours to work "ON" your leadership, not just "IN" it? Who are you willing to learn from? Is it only those who are ahead of you? Or are you open to learning from anyone?


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