
Thursday, May 24, 2007

I wish you Could Have been There...

Last night was our Connection Group that Sarah and I host for a group of young leaders at NLC.  It was by far the most powerful time together we've had yet.  The idea of the night was that, "Just as every organization or business has to have a Vision in order to stay focused, be successful and reach it's potential, so do we as individuals."  I took a few minutes and shared how once Sarah and I were able to wrestle with and define this "Greater Vision" for our lives that everything changed... the way we view the world, our lives, our jobs, our family, our money, our relationships, everything!!!

         I shared with them that my life verse is:  2 Timothy 2:10  which says, "I am willing to endure everything for the sake of the elect that they may know the salvation that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  I can still remember where I was when God placed that verse in my heart as a life verse for me to reach our generation.

          Back to last night... We were talking about wrestling with the Greater Vision of God for our lives, individually.  Well, at the end of our discussion notes were 3 questions.  I challenged every person in our Connection Group to let these 3 Questions wreck them for the next 2 weeks.  I challenge you, my bloggish thoughts readers to do the same...  Here they are.

  1. What is it that I am going to do that will OUTLAST me?

    2.  What is it, that, if I don't do it, something bad will happen / something good won't happen?

    3.  Who is it that I just can't stand the thought of NOT impacting?

          There's a good chance that if we can wrestle with and begin to drill down into our hearts to find the answers to these questions, we'll begin to discover the true Vision of our lives.

          I want to close with a quote from the lead singer of the group Big Tent Revival from way back in the Christian Music Scene.  He said, "Your occupation is how you pay your bills.  Your Pre-Occupation is why you live your life." 

          In light of those 3 questions, what are you pre-occupied with?  Happy wrestling...

Just a few of my bloggish thoughts,

Matt Keller


Beth Galloway said...

Why do we constantly live in and for our occupation? This concept of Pre-Occupation blew my mind!!! I have "trained my brain" to be focused on the "going up" in my job, now what I consider my career. Finally! A career! What college grads have wanted and struggled for since graduation. Now that I have it, you're telling me it's meaningless! (well, not really, but you get the idea). I have defined the last year and a half of my life around this "career". But I don't think that is how HE sees me. In fact, I know HE doesn't. And I know HE doesn't see anyone else like that either. Something to think about it? Absolutely. Something I'll figure out today? Not a chance. Thanks for the challenge. It's getting better everyday.

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