
Friday, June 15, 2007

My Birthday Bloggish Thoughts

Greetings my Bloggish friends,

I greet you from my 32nd birthday! There is good news for all of you who have failed to heed the warnings I posted at the beginning of June about my Birthday Bloggish Wish List (scroll down to review)... I celebrate my birthday all month long, so, you still have time to acquire and give the Perfect Bloggish Gift for yours truly. (I understand that soliciting birthday presents with a blog site is completely ridiculous and self-serving and unethical and probably illegal in 32 states, but, hey, that's a chance I'm willing to take.)

Anyway, I do have some serious Birthday Bloggish thoughts to throw your direction I have been pondering this impending day for the last week or so now. they are as follows...

On my 32nd Birthday, I'm Thankful...

  1. That some really great big rocks are in place in my life. Like a great wife of 10 1/2 years. 2 kids who I love and can't wait to watch grow. An amazing church, (the healthiest I've ever had the privilege of being a part of,) a great team around me that I get to do life with everyday, some amazing young leaders who are willing to grow and learn from me, and a really bright future ahead.

  2. for some amazingly great friends. I can't believe that I get to rub shoulders (or at least cell phone calls) with some world changers in the church world across the country. I got to speak with 3 of them yesterday alone. Great friends and mentors who know how to sow good seeds into good soil in my life. Thanks you guys.

  3. for just an awesome church I get to serve. There is just no where else on the planet that I would rather be investing my life then with the people of Next Level Church of Southwest Florida. You are some of the freshest, most genuine, life-giving people I've ever met! There isn't a Sunday that goes by that I don't think to myself, "I can't believe I get to attend this church!" Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

  4. for great friends. It's the people you do life deeply with who will make or break you. I am humbled everyday that I get to serve, connect and grow with these guys!

On m 32nd Birthday, I surprised that...

  1. I'm still so prone to "less than godly" tendencies. I really thought I would have a better handle on some little things like anger, or jealousy, or insecurity, you know. I'm amazed at how quickly and subtly those things can creap up in me.

  2. My wife is so stinkin' patient with me. She's just a great woman! Sarah truly does complete me in every way! I love that woman like crazy! It's hard to believe that almost 16 years after our first "date" God has brought us this far! I love you baby!

  3. People so sacrificially serve the vision of God for NLC! There is no more humbling experience than to see dozens and dozens of people who have caught the vision of NLC and willingly sacrifice and give, and serve and move and love and devote so much of themselves to it on a weekly basis. That never ceases to amaze me in so many ways! Thank you everyone for making the NLC vision what it is today!

  4. God continues to be so merciful to me. I just can't believe that He continues to pour Himself out on me in so many ways. I can't believe He lets me do this for a living! Thanks Jesus for your mercy, I'm more aware of it than ever.

Well, I'm off to celebrate my day, and mow my yard, and change the filter in my air conditioner, etc.

Just some Birthday Bloggish Thoughts,



Erin Antilia said...

Hey Matt,

I just wanted to wish you happy birthday and to thank you for being such a great pastor! I am so blessed to have found NLC and to have gotten to know you and Sarah. You guys ROCK! :-) Happy burthday!


Darci said...

Hope your birthday was terrific Matt! Thanks for your visionary leadership, your humility, transparency, and your devotion to the Lord, to Sarah, your kids and to our church family. Keep blazing the trail onward! - Darci Hall

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