
Friday, June 1, 2007

Dealing with Feelings of Inadequacy

Anytime I get away, I love to take several books with me so that I can devour as much information as I can. (Bill Hybels calls it a "Study Break." A time every year when a pastor gets away from the rigors of the weekly routine and can rest, relax, reflect, study, pray, connect with God, and reconnect with the big picture of what God is up to in their life and church.) This year, one of the books I'm reading is "Confessions of a Pastor" by Craig Groeschel. It's a great book that I think every person at NLC should read. (Trust me, this won't be the last time you hear about it...)

Basically, Craig gives 10 confessions that he (& so many other Christians) deal with. Confession #7 is: I feel Completely Inadequate. He talks with great candor about how he never feels "good enough" to do what God has called him to do. I wanted to just give you a couple of quotes from the chapter and my thoughts on them:

  1. "I live everyday with the fear that I won't be able to pull it all off." Ever feel that way? I know I do, alot of the time. There is this underriding fear that someone will realize that "We're just making it up as we go?" Especially when it comes to what God is doing at NLC! As I said in my message on Mother's Day (5.6.07), my wife and I constantly feel this way when it comes to the church! We are so humbled by the lives that God is changing on a weekly basis, it blows us away. What a privilege to see God use us this way. Perhaps you feel that way too. When you look at your life, or career, or connection group, or ministry area, you realize: "This is all God." I think maybe that is God's hope.

  2. "God specializes in accomplishing His plans through unlikely people." I love that about God. He never seems to carry out His Will the way you think He should. Do you ever catch yourself saying things like: "If I were God I would..." but aren't you glad you aren't. And how many times in the end, are you glad that God didn't do it like you initially thought it should be done? I am so thankful for the mercy of God that allows me daily to be apart of God "accomplishing His plans" on the earth.

Just a few bloggish thoughts...



Dartland said...

I just stopped by to give everything a look-see. I'm normally a pastor but the Lord has had me in a time of waiting and learning for the last 2 years. Its been rough, but good. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I totally relate to the feelings of inadequacy in ministry and even in calling.
You're podcast has been an inspiration as well as the example that you have set. I really appreciate your efforts.


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