
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One Great Lunch with Josh Quigley

One of the greatest joys of my life is getting to go to work everyday with some really amazing people. If there's one thing I've learned in the last 15 years of ministry, it's that team is everything! Team will make or break you. Period. I can't even tell you how great of a team God continues to assemble here at NLC. I got to have lunch today with our Programming Director, Josh Quigley. We spent about 90 minutes together, and I laughed harder and thought more than I have in a while. He was just full of one liners that were both histerical and challenging all at the same time.

Josh' responsibilities at NLC are huge. He is basically in charge of everything that you see and don't see inside of the Auditorium environments every weekend! Josh is the lead visionary & director over all of our Worship, Video, Production, Sound & Programming Departments. He is the go-to guy for everything Technical at NLC. Josh makes me and the entire NLC staff look great in so many ways! I can't even begin to brag on how great of a blessing Josh "Quigs" is to our church! He's truly an NLC Superstar in so many ways!

During our lunch today he made a statement that has rocked me all day... He said: "It's not that Satan is all that smart, he just keeps a good log book." He went on to explain that so often Satan will simply use the same issues that we have struggled with and dealt with sometimes for decades or even generations and simply keep bringing them up and throwing them in our face, time after time. Wow. How true is that? We have all known someone who just couldn't seem to "get victory" over a particular sin. and every time they turn around, it seems to be rearing it's ugly head again.

What about us? Is there some "sin" or "vice" that you have a propensity toward from your past? If so, what are you doing about it? Are you aggressively pursuing healing, deliverance and freedom from it? Or is it continuing to lurk in the shadows of your life somewhere? Great thoughts, huh? I can't tell you how great it is to have such a wonderful & spiritual leader overseeing so many of the key departments that make NLC what it is! thanks Josh,

Oh yeah, & Josh, "Keep Smilin'!" thanks for a great lunch my friend,


(Just some bloggish thoughts on team for ya...)


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