
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

3 More Lessons from the R9 Residency Intensive

#3: Seeing Others Shine is the Greatest Joy! Do you remember how the Apostle Paul said in a few of his writings to his readers: "You are my joy and my crown"? Well, I had the chance to feel that way this week. Barry and Christina Rice, who are church planters from Orlando, FL, came down and taught a couple of sessions for R9 and I was so proud listening to them tell their story! 2 years ago, they were on the brink of giving up and closing down their church. But over the last 2 years, as they have applied so many of the principles we were teaching this week, God has turned that around and they are now a thriving, growing church! I was so proud.

#4: Advancement starts with knowing the right questions to ask. As I mentioned yesterday the R9 church planters have great visions, but they don't know what they don't know. One of the greatest lessons we can learn is how to position ourselves in learning opportunities where we can uncover what it is we didn't know we didn't know. (Hope that made sense.)

Over the past 6 1/2 years, our journey at NLC has been one of trial and error trying to figure out the "Best Practices" for of how to do church in the coming generations. I get so excited know that there is now a program in place where pastors and church planters can learn from our mistakes and experiences.

#5: Potential + The Right Training = Proper Expectations & Proper Expectations + God = True Success!

The #1 reason church plants fail in the US today is because of unrealistic and unmet expectations. I believe the R9 residency will give church planters proper expectations and the result will be so many Life-Giving churches planted and raised up in the years ahead.

If you are interested in information on attending an R9 Residency, leave a comment here and we'll get in touch with you.

Matt Keller


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