
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3 Thoughts on Fear

I am rereading Seth Godin' new book, "Tribes" for the third time and this time it's really starting to get good. In one portion of the book (he doesn't use chapters) he writes about fear. The stuff is so good I just couldn't resist writing about myself. Seth says on page 42...

"Fear is the #1 reason people don't innovate. In a battle between two ideas, the best idea doesn't necessarily win, the one with the most fearless heretic behind it does."

Each of us have "Good Ideas" everyday. But for most of us, we can't get past our own fears long enough to actually see them come to pass. Until a leader is willing to step out and take a risk, they are by definition NOT LEADING!

When Seth refers to someone as a "heretic" he's of course not talking about the Biblical definition of a heretic, he's talking about someone who is crazy enough to let their passion for an idea propel them to keep pushing them envelope until they start a movement. (Seth calls it a tribe!)

? Got any good ideas that you are afraid to push to the front? ? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much are you allowing "FEAR" to hold you back from leading?

Just a bloggish thought,



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