
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How I Give Encouragement - Part 3

3. Make Encouragement about Them, not you!

Something within us human beings has this natural drift toward selfishness. Often times, encouragement can subconsciously be the same way! Without even knowing it, we can make encouragement about us, not the person we're trying to encourage.

I mentioned a leader in my teenage years who was great at doing this. This person would give out compliments in an attempt to get others to compliment them. After a while, everyone in the room caught on to it and it actually backfired! Suddenly people were calling them out and ripping on this person. Which only made them more insecure. It was ugly.

Question of the Day: ? Why are you giving encouragement, really? Is it to genuinely encourage others, or to gain compliments from others?

Just a bloggish thought,



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