
Monday, October 27, 2008

4 Dimensions of an Entrepreneurial Personality

I have the privilege of working with a lot or church planters and leaders who have a vision to "Start something from scratch!" And as someone who has spent the last dozen years of my life starting stuff, I have become a student of entrepreneurial thought and processes.

I am currently reading a book called, "Awakening the Entrepreneur Within," by Michael Gerber. Michael has written several books on his 1st concept called, "The E-Myth." I believe that his book, "The E-Myth Revisited" is an absolute Must Read for an church planter, or leader who is thinking about venturing out into the unknown world of a start up. Seriously, Michael is one of the foremost thought leaders on what it means to truly start a business, organization or church successfully today.

In his "Awakening the Entrepreneur Within" book, he describes Four Dimensions to the Entrepreneurial Personality and as I read them, I couldn't help but think how True they are. This week's blogs are dedicated to his 4 Dimensions. (Not Dimensia, by the way, although at times it may feel that way in a new organization!)

If you are someone who is intrigued by the thought of a start up or find yourself in a start up reality in any capacity, then stay tuned this week to because these 4 Dimensions are for you.

Thanks for reading,



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