
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This is the Moment

My parents did a great job of saving everything from my childhood. Every program, baseball card, and significant piece of memorabilia made it's way into a neatly kept box for my brother and I to process through.

The difficult part of going through boxes of your life is that after you’ve looked at something and remembered the memory, what are you supposed to do with the stuff? My mom kept turning to me and asking, “What do we do with all this stuff?” To which my reply was simply, “Mom, I think this IS the moment! This is the moment we were saving all this stuff for. Right now is the moment when we recognize it’s great to remember. And then we move on.”

So we did. We remembered the basketball games and the pictures. We remembered the musicals and road trips. We enjoyed the memory of an absolutely great 30 years of life together as a family.

But memories don’t exist in the past. They exist in the present. And future memories don’t live in the past, they live today! If there’s anything I’ve realized about my 48 hours, It’s that I’ve been given a gift. The gift of today. Because yesterday is gone and tomorrow will have a new memory, but today is the day for making memories with my wife and kids. Today is the day to enjoy the Best Years of my life!

This is the Best Day! These are the Best Years! This is Camelot! There is not someday when, only today, and now!

While I was making my last lap around my house on Saturday morning, my wife called from my son's baseball game. He was the starting pitcher & had struck out 2 kids already! As I hung up the phone I said to my mom and dad, that's why you're selling the house! Because the memories aren't here anymore, they are down there! We all cried, knowing that was right.



Danny said...

Matt thanks for reminding me this morning how blessed I am. Your blog today reminded me that I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't think "these are the best years of my life"

Thanks Brother

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