
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dimension #3: The Storyteller

This week, we're looking into what Michael Gerber calls the 4 Dimensions of the Entrepreneurial Personality. The 3rd Dimension could be my favorite because it is: The Storyteller.

No vision will ever come to reality unless an Entrepreneur becomes great at telling the story. People cannot and will not connect with a vision without a story. It's just that simple. Here are a few thoughts on telling your story:

1. A leader in a start up has to work hard at telling the story in a compelling and concise way. As my friend, Mike Ash, likes to say, "No one likes to hear your story like you do." And it's true. The danger in telling the story of the vision of your start up is that you will go into too much detail because you think everyone likes to hear it.

2. Don't share too few details. The other side of the pendulum is to leave out too much detail and consequently not move the emotions of the listener. Every great leader knows how to incorporate just the right amount of emotion and detail in telling the story.

3. Practice telling the story. Tell everyone. Tell the 3 minute version, the 30 second version and the 30 minute version. the only way to get good at telling the story of your vision is to practice, practice practice... and...

4. Critique yourself. The greatest leaders of start ups are watching how listeners respond while they are telling the story of their start up. Make a mental note when an audience looks uninterested or glazed over. Note when they are completely engaged or moved emotionally and then critique yourself afterward. It's the only way to get better.

? How well do you tell the story of your start up? ? Is it compelling or dry? ? What response do you get from your hearers?

Tomorrow we will look at the final dimension of the Entrepreneurial Personality. It's probably the most important... by a long shot!



Cara Donahue said...

Good stuff Matt! The 30 second story is key indeed. I like to give lead ins, to my 30 second stories, that will draw them into wanting to hear the 3 minute story and so on.

Lu said...

Matt. Great series of posts! As an entrepreneur myself working to grow a business I’ve been caught up in hectic happening of the days … your posts made me take a pause and reflect on why I am an entrepreneur in the first place. It helped me to take a moment out to refocus. Thank you. Keep up the great work!

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